Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Power Of Words

The Power Of Words

Famous research by Dr. Masaru Emoto shows the powerful effect that our thoughts and words have on us. In his research he attached written words to containers of water, such as “Thank you,” “I love you,” and “You fool!” Then he froze the water and took photos of the water crystals with a microscopic camera. In addition to using written words, he varied his experiments with thoughts, music and pictures.
In order to keep the tests using written words pure, they did it “blind.” After the words were written, they covered them up so that no one knew which words were written on which containers until the end of the experiment. That way the test wasn’t influenced by the thoughts of the people involved in it.
“You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.”

Siddhartha Guatama Buddha
The results were amazing! You can view them in his books Messages From Water, Vols. 1 and 2. In every case when there was a positive energy used, whether it was a written word, a verbal statement, or a picture, the photos of the frozen crystals were exquisitely beautiful. The water crystals formed into intricate symmetrical patterns, all harmonically woven together. Some of them look like shimmering diamonds. On the other hand, in every case where the stimulus was negative, the crystals were small, misshapen and deformed! This so clearly demonstrates the effects of the negativity hurled at oneself until you learn how to love yourself.
Remember, our bodies are about 60% water (it varies, depending on the individual), and this is just revealing what happens to the part of us that is water when we are hit with negativity. My sense is that it has the same debilitating effect on ALL parts of ALL our cells. No wonder there is mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual illness in the world!
Also, remember that these experiments show what happens when the negativity comes from the OUTSIDE. I’m sure that the effects of negativity is even more extreme if the negativity is SELF generated. This is a powerful demonstration of the crippling effects of not knowing how to love yourself.
Then, with the Law of Attraction as those cells vibrate with negativity, that vibration draws in more of the same. As you can see, this is just not a pretty picture.
Whew! Okay, enough about the horror story …

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