Thursday, August 22, 2013

… So What Can You Do?

… So What Can You Do?

A good first step in learning how to love yourself is to periodically check in with yourself through the day and notice how you’re feeling – happy, alive and open? Closed and contracted? Neutral?
If you are feeling negative, trace back to when you first started feeling that way. Chances are really good that somewhere at that juncture you told yourself something negative about yourself.
What might first come to your awareness is a negative attitude or thought about someone else. However, if you look closer you’ll find that somewhere along the way the part that really got you feeling bad was a negative thought about yourself. It might have been guilt about the negative thought about someone else, or feelings of inadequacy.
This negative self-talk is a symptom that shows up chronically until you learn how to love yourself.
Let’s take a slight detour here for just a moment …

how to love yourself
Here’s an interesting question …
Which do you prefer: guilt or blame? Neither feels good, but I think you’ll agree that between the two, guilt is the most painful and the most debilitating. Why? Blame at least has some energy mobilization. There is SOME degree of taking charge of the situation and having control.
Guilt, on the other hand, is pure powerlessness – just heart-wrenching inadequacy and self-condemnation. Blame is focused on other; guilt is focused on self. On the emotional spectrum, what we do to ourselves is MUCH more painful and destructive than anything anyone else could do to us. Self-focused negativity cuts off our connection with Life Force.

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