Monday, December 28, 2015

Haz-mat cleanup follows suicide bid

Haz-mat cleanup follows suicide bid


MUNCIE -- A haz-mat cleanup was under way Monday after a young Delaware County man reportedly tried to take his own life with a potentially deadly gas.
Delaware County Sheriff Ray Dudley said the man apparently posted his intention to harm himself on Facebook last night. Authorities were alerted about 5 a.m., and deputies entered his mobile home -- at Country View Mobile Home Park, in the 5900 block of West Delaware County Road 350-N -- and pulled him to safety.
The man was taken to IU Health Ball Memorial Hospital by Delaware County EMS.
More than four hours later, the Delaware County Hazardous Materials Team, headed by Jason Rogers, was continuing its efforts to clean up the site and remove any potentially dangerous haz-mat materials,
Rogers said the man created hydrogen sulfide gas, trying to commit what is commonly known as "detergent suicide."
The local haz-mat team has not previously encountered such a case, but had a related training exercise as recently as last summer, Rogers said.
The Gaston Fire Department was also called to the scene. Also on hand were representatives of the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, the Department of Homeland Security and the state fire marshal's office.
Air testing indicated the hazardous fumes are limited to the man's mobile home, Rogers said, but neighbors have been told to "shelter in place" until the cleanup is completed.
This story will be updated.

Grief counselors available at school after Edgewater murder-suicide

Grief counselors available at school after Edgewater murder-suicide

Grief counselors will be avalable at an elementary school in New Jersey, to help students deal with the murder of a classmate over the holiday break.

Investigators are still searching for a motive after they say 53-year old Michael Stasko shot and killed his wife and daughter before turning the gun on himself.

According to police, 49-year old Melissa Stasko and 8-year old Mellie Stasko were killed with a .45 caliber weapon on the 17th floor of their Edgewater apartment building.

"All three of them were within the bed in the couple's bedroom. It is definitely apparent to us that the shootings took place in the bed," said Bergen County Prosecutor John Molinelli.

Police got a call from a man who said he was concerned that his sister, Mrs. Stasko, and her family had not arrived in Missouri for their planned visit on Christmas Day. He couldn't reach them by phone.

That's what prompted investigators to do a welfare check on the apartment. What they found was devastating.

"There were things in the apartment that would give one the indication that Mellie Stasko looked very lovingly upon her father," said Molinelli. "You see some cards, some holiday cards. So it would appear that at least from 8-year-old's standpoint that she very much loved her father."

Investigators say the shots appear to have been fired between the evening of Dec. 22nd and the morning of the 23rd.

Detectives believe a towel may have been used in front of the weapon, and music may have been playing. Neighbors didn't hear the shots.

Inside the apartment were unopened presents under a tree.

"One always has to wonder what would possess anyone to do that. An innocent 8 year old girl. And I'm hopeful that we'll find out the reason. Because she deserves at least the public to understand what happened here. It's always troubling," said Molinelli.

Molinelli said Michael Stasko operated his watch business out of his home.

Counselors, psychologists and social workers plan to help students cope with the killings.

Edgewater school officials announced the counseling team will be in place when students return to school Jan. 4. District officials will be available this week to help parents as needed.

Meditate & Believe Right

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The highest heavens belong to the Lord, but the earth he has given to man.
Psalm 115:16, NIV
Rest And Enjoy What Jesus Has Provided
God made everything on this earth for the pleasure and fulfilment of man. Just as an expectant couple would get ready the room, the cot and the clothes for the arrival of their baby, God prepared everything man needed first, including the garden of Eden, so that when man was created, man would be able to just enjoy everything that God had created.
In the same way today, Jesus has already done everything for you when He died on the cross for you. The work is finished. What do you need today? Healing? A financial breakthrough? A better job? Every blessing that you will ever need in this life has already been provided for by the sacrifice of Jesus (2 Peter 1:2–3). And to experience these blessings in your life, all you have to do is believe and rest in what Jesus has done for you. So stop trying to make things happen with your self-efforts. You cannot add to the finished work of Jesus.
Beloved, just believe and rest in all that Christ has already done for you. Tell the Lord today, “Lord, I cease from all striving, struggling, pushing and manipulating to get my breakthrough. I rest in what You have already done for me and I thank You that You will bring it to pass in my life!”

Picking up the Pieces to Make a Masterpiece

Picking up the Pieces to Make a Masterpiece

From Our Community | December 26, 2015 | Living
Picking up the Pieces to Make a Masterpiece
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You know that feeling when your life gets turned upside down in an instant?
Let’s be honest – that’s underselling it. I’m talking about when your entire existence completely changes.

Everything was going so well. Almost too well. You thought you had sure-footing but it turns out that you’re in quicksand.

All of your hopes and dreams for the future – for you – for your family – are in question.
Is this the end of the road? Are you destined to be one of those foul-smelling people you see at McDonald’s every morning, hugging their stuffed Minion and having their fifty cent coffee?
“A bend in the road is not the end of the road unless you fail to make the turn.” – Helen Keller
I thought that would be me. At least until about a year after my diagnosis with Multiple Sclerosis, a debilitating and progressive disease that cannot be stopped.
Until then I had been an active musician, marathoner, family man, I made a decent living, and I even had a master’s degree. I was living the life of an all-American guy!
But when I got the news that my life had taken a turn for the worse – much worse – I assumed it was over. I figured that my days of supporting the family were finished. That any hopes of being a role model for my boys – my legacy – we’re gone for good.

So what do you do in that situation? What do you do when your hopes and dreams have been shattered? When you lose a loved one, or a job, or are diagnosed with a disease?

I did the obvious thing…I went into a bit of a depression.
Ok, so it wasn’t the most appropriate thing, but it seemed right at the time. My life had changed forever and I wasn’t going to be the person that I once was. Close friends and family weren’t going to remember me as the person I used to be.
“Unless you’re the lead dog in the sled, the view never changes” – Bob Mitchley
Have you ever woken up at three in the morning with the answer you were trying to come up with all day?
Well, that’s how I felt when I realized after a year that I shouldn’t spend the rest of my life dwelling on what could have been. After all – it COULDN’T have been. I didn’t have a choice in the matter!
Hard as it might seem, my only option (besides having an eternal pity-party) was to figure out a way to help others while helping myself.
Cliché? Maybe. Necessary? Absolutely!
I couldn’t bottle all of this pain and emotion up – it would just make things worse!
It’s easy to feel all alone. Like you’re the only one that’s going through this.
Well, you’re not (and I wasn’t, either), and sharing or even leading that charge became my new purpose in life.  I made the decision to start driving around, sometimes for hours, in order to spend time with different groups with similar experiences.
It’s like ripping off a Band-Aid. It’s an uncomfortable thought but once you do it you realize there was nothing to fear.
I’d tell them a story about my life and show them how to draw a positive from it, and then they started sharing experiences. Before you knew it, we all felt better and had a network to lean on when we needed support!
Power in numbers, right? Maybe focusing on my problem… by myself… WAS my problem.
Time to make the donuts!

I found that having that goal in mind – that feeling of helping others as well as myself – was like a magic pill.  Making the decision and having a passion for something instantly made me feel better.

Just the thought was energizing.
I sat down to put together some talking points. I included some stories that were funny (to break the ice) and some that people could relate to. I focused on lessons that I had learned along the way through books, blogs, discussions, contemplation, you name it. A year of living inside of your own head turns up a lot of valuable lessons!
I found that, once I was able to open up about my experiences, people were inclined to ask questions and share their’s. It was self-perpetuating. I didn’t need to put everyone to sleep with a long, boring lecture but could just get the ball rolling if I used the right approach.
I wasn’t alone in this process but part of a much larger group. A group that had been through the same thing as I had and had strategies for dealing with it. A group that was happy to listen to me, without expectations, and that became my friends.
“The force is strong in this one.” – Darth Vader
It has made me a better person. This was a new beginning, not an ending.
That traveling turned into me teaching a class at a state-wide gathering of people that were in my situation. That led to some local interviews which turned into some national and international interviews, followed by some TV appearances, a college graduation speech, and a documentary!
I didn’t go looking for those things, they just happened. When you are willing to get out and talk to people – to tell your story – you become recognized as the person that will do that. All you need is a willingness to talk, to listen, to teach, and to learn.
I challenge you to do just that. We’ve all experienced tragedy in our lives – some more than others. Connect with those that have had similar experiences.

Put yourself out there. Lead by example. @jimmytBMD (Click to Tweet!)

The one thing that I’ve always been sure to do was to make myself available. I learned that from a college advisor – “never say no,” he said.
There is power in numbers. Once you are identified as THAT person, people talk.

Today's Word With Joel & Victoria

Today’s Scripture
“My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.”
(2 Corinthians 12:9, NKJV)


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His Grace is Enough
Grace is God’s unmerited favor. It’s kindness from Him that we don’t deserve. Grace empowers and strengthens us. No matter what has happened in your past, you can receive God’s grace and forgiveness and start fresh today. You can hold your head up high because His grace is enough. You may not be perfect, but you are forgiven.
When you go around holding on to your past mistakes or think you have to try to make things up to God, it’s like saying that His grace isn’t enough. Hold on to the truth that Jesus has already paid for your mistakes. All you have to do is receive His grace and thank Him for His favor and empowerment in your life.
In the same way, extend that grace to others. Don’t try to punish people for their past mistakes; instead, give them favor to start over. Let God’s grace flow through you so we can all rise higher together into the life of victory He has promised.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You for Your goodness and grace today. I receive Your strength and favor in my life. Help me to extend that grace to others and always show Your love in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Daily Hope with Rick Warren

What Faith Does to Your Dreams
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What Faith Does to Your Dreams
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By Rick Warren — Dec 28, 2015
Devotional image from Rick Warren
“Glory be to God, who by his mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of — infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes.” (Ephesians 3:20 TLB)
Faith turns God-given dreams into reality. Nothing happens until somebody starts dreaming!
The Bible is full of people who had God-given dreams. Abraham dreamed of being the father of a great nation. Moses dreamed of setting God’s people free. Joseph dreamed of saving a nation and his own family. Throughout Scripture, there are all kinds of people who were inspiring dreamers, like Daniel and Paul and David.
Ephesians 3:20 says, “Glory be to God, who by his mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of — infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes” (TLB).
Now, if there were ever a “blank check” verse in the Bible, that’s it. God is able to do far more than we would dare to ask. What are you afraid to ask God for? He is able to do far more than we could even dream of.
I don’t know about you, but I’m a pretty big dreamer. I can think of some pretty big dreams I’ve had in my lifetime. God says, “Warren, think of the greatest thing you could ever dream of, the greatest thing you think I could do in your life. Guess what? I can top that.”
If there were tears in Heaven, it would simply be because we would get there and realize all the things that we could have done if we had just believed God a little bit more. To me that would be Hell! Hell for me would be being shown everything I could have accomplished and become as a husband, a father, and a pastor if I had just believed God a little bit more.
But there aren’t any tears in Heaven, and God gives you everything you need right now to accomplish what he has planned for you. I want to challenge you to dream big about your relationships, your marriage, your family, and your career. Your faith can turn those dreams into reality, because God is able to do far more than we would dare to ask or even dream of.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The Key to Happiness

The Key to Happiness

by Joyce Meyer - posted December 22, 2015

External religious worship [religion as it is expressed in outward acts] that is pure and unblemished in the sight of God the Father is this: to visit and help and care for the orphans and widows in their affliction and need, and to keep oneself unspotted and uncontaminated from the world.
—James 1:27

I went to church for thirty years without ever hearing one sermon on my biblical responsibility to care for orphans, widows, the poor, and the oppressed. I was shocked when I finally realized how much of the Bible is about helping other people. I spent most of my Christian life thinking the Bible was about how God could help me. It’s no wonder I was unhappy.
The key to happiness isn’t only in being loved; it is also in having someone to love. If you really want to be happy, find somebody to love. If you want to put a smile on God’s face, then find a person who is hurting and help them.
Be determined to help someone. Be creative! Lead a revolt against living in a religious rut where you go to church and go home and go back to church, but you’re not really helping anybody. Don’t just sit in church pews and sing hymns. Get involved in helping people who are hurting.
Remember the words of Jesus:
“I was hungry and you gave Me no food; I was thirsty and you gave Me no drink; I was a stranger and you did not take Me in, naked and you did not clothe Me, sick and in prison and you did not visit Me.’
“Then they also will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to You?’
“Then He will answer them, saying, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.’” (Matthew 25:42-45 NKJV)
Trust in Him: Are you ministering to Jesus? Jesus said ministering to others ministers to Him. Trust His life on earth to be an example of how you should live your life—going about doing good for others in need.

How to Reclaim Your Power and Step Into the New Year Like a Boss

How to Reclaim Your Power and Step Into the New Year Like a Boss

Skylar Liberty Rose | December 21, 2015 | Living
How To Reclaim Your Power and Step Into The New Year Like a Boss

A calendar year ending is often a time of reflection and resolve. Assessing what didn’t work out and feeling proud of what did. Getting inspired about new adventures and setting resolutions. It’s a time to let go of anything that is no longer serving us and to enjoy the prospect of a fresh start.
A clean slate has only one mark on it: Possibility.
There is a sweet release in saying goodbye to all the ‘stuff’ that weighs us down. We seem to accumulate so much as we move forward on our life journey. Not all of it is material. We also carry around a fair amount of ‘should’ ‘have to’ and ‘I’m not worthy’.
A couple of months ago I deleted all the emails in my inbox. Every single one. Just one click of a button and they disappeared into a gorgeous puff of nothingness. Byeee! Just like that.
Nothing happened. Nobody died. Life went on.
I’d wanted to do it for a while but I told myself I couldn’t possibly delete them all. I still hadn’t replied to some of them. People would think I was rude. They’d have conversations about me behind my back.
Perhaps they did. Perhaps they didn’t. Either way it wasn’t actually any of my business. My business is making my life work for me. Sometimes that means making a call that others might not agree with or approve of. Constantly doing what we think we’re ‘supposed to’ is disempowerment at its best.

People pleasing is a non paying position. Remember that. @SkylarLiberty
(Click to Tweet!)

It’s also futile because there simply is no way to please everyone all the time.
Perhaps deleting all the emails in your inbox will cause you more stress than release. But I’d hazard a guess that there’s an equivalent that you can find. Maybe it’s saying ‘no, thank you’ more. Maybe it’s not feeling obligated to go to an event.
 Image courtesy of Unsplash.
So, how do we resolve to start a new year like a boss? Well, popular theory is that we make a list detailing our resolutions. I mean, lists are everywhere, right? We can’t seem to move from one room to another without thinking of what we must get done that day. Haven’t we all got a ‘to do’ list? A shopping list? An ‘I’m Failing If I Don’t Get Achieve All My Goals by Sunset’ list?

It’s true that listing what we want to achieve can be a great way of motivating us into action. It can also be a sure fire way of lowering our self esteem if we don’t continually meet the worlds rising expectations.

Can we get a new gig going? A little reminder of what we want to say hello to and what we’d like to kick off the cliff?

Here’s my guide to Stepping Into 2016 Like a Boss:

Say Goodbye to:
Guilt. Let that little b*tch go. Seriously. She’s not doing any favours for anyone. Who invited her anyway?
Procrastinating. Do it or don’t do it. That’s it. Next.
Energy vampires. You know the ones. Foods that deplete you, people that drain you, too tight shoes and stuff that brings you down. Don’t want it. Don’t need it. Let it go. Bye bye. Tell them to shut the door on their way out.
Self doubt. Time to walk the walk. Yes it’s scary sometimes. And what? If your legs tremble then do a little ass shake and they’ll think it’s part of the dance. Get in the damn arena. Own it.
Comparisons. You’re not like the others? You don’t fit in? Excellent! That’s what makes you wonderful. Shine like the gorgeous glitter ball you are. Illuminate your own path. They can wear shades if it bothers them.
Going, going, going, GONE. Ok, great – we’ve made some room. Let’s move swiftly on…
Say Oh Hellllo There to:
Time for you. Maybe that’s curling up with a book, maybe it’s going off on an awesome solo adventure. Carve out that time and make it an absolutely priority. You’ve earned it. (Yes, you.)
Manifesting. Bring each dream to life. Decide. Visualize. Act. We are here for but a blink of an eye. Blaze each beautiful longing into reality.
Self acceptance. Love yourself exactly as you are today. At whatever weight you are, in whatever clothes you’re wearing. Because you are beautiful. (Remember we said goodbye to self doubt).
Your own amazing worth. You are needed. Don’t ever think you’re not. You are a child of the universe and your energy is essential to our global community. Do not doubt the value of your contribution.
Today. Now. This moment. This breath. It’s all any of us have and to honour it’s worth is truly the greatest gift we can give ourselves.
Now, get your crown straight and claim your place in the world.
(Note: you can still kick ass in PJ’s).
2015: it’s a wrap! Huge thanks to all of you in the PP community for all your love and support. You’ve been so damn awesome! Looking forward to sharing more with you in the New Year. Fierce love from my heart to yours xo

Today's Word with Joel & Victoria

Today's Word with Joel and Victoria

Today’s Scripture
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
(John 3:16, NKJV)


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When God sent His Son to earth, He opened the door of salvation to whoever would believe. That means anyone can become a child of His and have everlasting life! Isn’t it good that He didn’t just come to save certain kinds of people? Aren’t you glad He doesn’t have a list of rules and conditions for salvation?
Before Jesus came, people had to observe many laws in order to be considered holy enough to go into God’s temple. They were constantly performing sacrifices to pay for their sins just so they could be around the presence of God. Even then, their sins were only covered up. They were still there. But when Jesus came, He was the final sacrifice. His blood doesn’t just cover our sins; it washes them away! Now, instead of going to the temple to be near God, the Bible says we are the temple, and He chooses to live inside of us.
Today, thank God for the free gift of salvation to whoever believes in Him. If you’ve never asked Jesus to be the Lord of your life, there’s no better way to start the New Year. Choose Him and choose life!

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus, so that I can be free. Thank You for opening the door to eternal life to me. I receive the sacrifice Jesus paid so that I can be free. Come into my heart. I confess that You are my Lord and Savior in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Meditate On This

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Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.
Isaiah 7:14
A Sign From Heaven
Come Christmas time, one of the things you’ll hear or sing about is the virgin birth—how Christ was born of the virgin, Mary. The prophet Isaiah actually calls this “a sign” from the Lord. Now, why is this a sign? Obviously, it’s a miraculous sign because a virgin cannot give birth to a child let alone conceive. But there is another reason the virgin birth is a sign for us.
Because Jesus was conceived supernaturally without human intervention, His blood was divine, holy and untainted by human sin! And that’s why it was perfectly qualified and perfectly able to wash away every sin of mankind when it was shed at the cross.
Today, the efficacious blood of Jesus has perfectly washed you clean of every trace of sin and given you everlasting righteousness. And the more you know and believe this truth, the less sin-conscious you’ll be as you become more righteousness-conscious. And when you’re righteousness-conscious, you will live right and reign in life!