Tuesday, August 13, 2013

How to Like Yourself

Edited by Hiya55, Nicole Willson, Michal, Maluniu and 21 others


  1. Be who you are, and be who you want to be. You might be unhappy with some of your personality traits, but don't beat yourself up because you're not perfect. Only change things for yourself. For example, if you're shy and quiet, you don't have to start being loud and feisty just because the popular person in the school is like that. Decide for yourself that you want to be more friendly and talkative, read some guides, relax and strike some conversation. Don't hurry or get upset if you fail; just try again.
  2. Accept the way you look. Most people are unhappy with their appearance. Even celebrities and the people you consider "perfect" have insecurities, so don't think you're alone. Some things you can change; with other things, it's not so easy. For example, you hate your nose; you think it's too big, and you wish you had a cute button nose like your best friend. It can be pretty terrible to feel that way, but don't beat yourself up. Everyone has imperfections, and if you learn to love yours, other people will too. You don't have to look like you came out of a doll factory! Most of the time, cute imperfections are what grabs the opposite sex's interest. If you're in a room full of beautiful women, your stick-out ears could grab the men's attention; because you're different.
  3.  If you're bored of your look, change it! You have nothing to lose. If you'd like a haircut, flick through some magazines till you choose a new style you like and take it to the hairdresser's for a new look. You could also ask the hairdresser for advice on what suits you. If you want perfect skin, eat healthily, cleanse, tone and moisturize twice a day and use treatments if you have acne. Research your problem, and solve it!
  4.  Most people are unhappy with their weight. What you should do is calculate your body mass index. If you are at a healthy weight, you shouldn't worry. If you like, you can lose or put on a few kilos, but make sure you stay a healthy weight for your height. If you're underweight or overweight, consult a doctor to help you gain or lose weight healthily.
  5.  You should enjoy being single! If you don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend, don't be upset; even if all your friends do. There are lots of advantages, so enjoy it while you can! Have fun with friends and family, and don't stress. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend to love and care for you, enjoy that too; it has its own advantages!
  6. If you're down and need a boost, pamper yourself! It's guaranteed to make you feel better. Other ways to be happy is have some chocolate (or another treat you like), call a friend for a chat, go clothes shopping... Be nice to yourself!
  7.  Start a new hobby you want to try. The change will do you good, and you'll have a lot of fun.
  8.  Always be positive. There's no point in thinking negatively of yourself, and if you're optimistic people will like you more and want to be around you.

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