Saturday, September 14, 2013

How to Get Happy when You're Sad


  1. Call up a friend to talk about why you're feeling sad. Do this to get something off your chest, or to get your mind off it. The simple act of talking can make a surprising difference if it's with the right person.

    • Your best friends can really give you a boost when you're feeling down. That's what they are there for. Try calling someone you feel you can really communicate with.
  2. Watch a funny movie, preferably one that you've already seen and liked. You'll remember that time that you were happy watching it, and the familiarity will feel comforting.

  3. Eat a good meal. Make something different and delicious, something out of the ordinary. Chew slowly, smell the food, and savor every last bite. Be thankful that you even have food to eat. According to one source, about 25,000 people will die on any given day due to hunger or related illness.[1]

  4. Exercise. Go for a walk, a jog, or a bike ride. Play a team sport. Do anything that gets you up and sweating. Exercising will make your body release endorphins, a chemical that lifts your mood and lessens your feeling of pain.[2]

  5. Be spontaneous. Sometimes a consistent and boring routine can make you feel bad. Do something out of the blue without making any rash decisions. Go visit a friend or a museum, surprise your Mom with lunch, or take a weekend trip outside your city or town.

  6. Paint a picture or mold a sculpture. Express your feelings with color and shapes. Art is a celebration of life, and you are a reason to celebrate.

  7. Think about good memories. If you've lived through them once, you can definitely have them again. That's the beautiful thing about memories. Just because things may seem bad right now doesn't mean that they'll be that way tomorrow.

  8. Take a shower or a bath. You'll be amazed at how much of a lift taking a shower can give you.

    • If you're feeling in the mood for a bath, try putting some Epsom salts in the bath. Epsom salts are reputed to trigger the release of endorphins, those magical chemicals that are responsible for feelings of well-being.[3]
  9. Get out of the house. The fresh air will be invigorating. Go somewhere with a friend, a family member, or even by yourself. See a movie, shop, go on a picnic, etc. Staying inside can feel like trapping yourself inside the prison of your depression. Don't give yourself an excuse to feel bad.

  10. Listen to music. Resist the temptation to go for the sad music; try listening to energetic, jumpy, soulful, or happy tunes, along with numbers that inspire you or remind you of good times. Music can be and is used as a very effective therapy.[4][5]

  11. Have a good cry. Sometimes the sadness stays no matter how hard you force yourself to be happy. Try to let the tears out when you feel like it, and you might feel more relieved of your sad feelings, as if you got them "off your chest". Studies suggest that a majority of people who cry feel better than they did before.[6][7]
  12. Put your feelings into perspective. Is what you're upset about really as important as you think? Did it seem to heavily affect you than those around you? If you sulk about little problems, like not receiving a perfect grade or spilled milk, then you're going to feel sad a lot more easily.

    • Remind yourself of how lucky you are. There's always someone out there who isn't as lucky as you. Feel grateful for what you do have, especially simple things like family, friends, or your health.
  13. Taking a nap might make you feel better. Taking a nice, restful nap can help you feel more creative, get better grades, and relieve more stress, scientists say.[8]

  14. Journal. Each day is a new day, a day to celebrate in writing. Write about how you feel, what your goals are, or even simple musings that you have. The good thing about journals is that they don't have to be read by anyone else.

  15. Make a list of 100 things that make you happy. It's a challenge, but see if you can do it. Don't think, don't worry about if it's childish or silly, just write it down.

  16. Before you go to bed, completely clear your mind of everything. This includes school life, grades, friends, family, etc. Dream up your happy place. This will at least leave you falling asleep with a better mood, making your feelings brighter in the morning.

  17. Take a long walk to calm you down and to relax. Sometimes, it gives you a soothing feeling. Take a deep breath and puff it out. Focus on your breathing while you walk.

  18. Try relaxing by reading. Lose yourself in another world, or in the past. Books transport us to places we've never been; often, those places are more adventurous and romantic than the places we're currently in.
  19. Laugh and smile. It may be forced at first, but it could trigger a funny memory or cause a real laugh itself. Scientists have figured out that smiling actually makes you happier than you were before.[9]
  20. Look at some of your childhood pictures. If a funny one pops up, don't push it away. Savor it. It'll help remind you that life passes by so quickly sometimes. Ask your parents for childhood pictures if you want a lot of them!

  21. Stick to your routines. Probably you don't feel like doing it but force yourself to do it. You will eventually feel normal, if normal was a feeling you liked. Even if you have lost something/someone, you still have many other things/people that you enjoy. Most of all, you always have yourself.

  • Invite a friend or make something creative in arts and crafts, cooking, or send a article in magazine.
  • Dance to your favorite song. Let it all out.
  • Try closing your eyes and thinking about a really good day or something good that happened.
  • Try to relax and think about the good times you have had .
  • Do something that makes you laugh.
  • Try to do something that you enjoy with a close friend, and talk it out. Maybe you just need to be around people,depends on your personality. You can go lay in the grass with your friends and squirt each other with water, or watch a entertaining video and snuggle up with your favorite drink. You could also take a bath and relax, BUT remember when you're trying to be happy don't force yourself too much, it could make you feel worse. And remember everyone has a bad day sometimes but you shouldn't let that get in your way. And remember there are people and maybe pets that love you.
  • Get a mug of hot chocolate, dress in your favorite pajamas and watch your favorite film while you snuggle up in bed.
  • If you have a cat or a small dog, have a nice cuddle with it. A stuffed animal will work too.
  • Watch a relaxing and funny TV show!
  • Keep yourself busy- try doing something productive!

Edit Warnings

  • Don't take your anger out on someone else. Instead, punch a punching bag or a pillow.
  • Sometimes people eat when they're sad or stressed out, but this is not the best idea. Sure, it might make you feel good, but eating won't cure you, you'll just feel bloated and put yourself in a tougher situation.
  • Don't start doing irresponsible things. It won't make you truly happy and will only end up giving you more problems. If you don't normally drink/do drugs/smoke, then don't get anywhere near it when you're sad; you won't think clearly and you'll regret it later. Don't do any self-injury either, it will just cause more pain and trouble.
  • Do not isolate yourself. This is especially important if you are depressed very often. You might just want people to leave you alone, but don't make yourself be with no one else around. Don't push your friends away and try to regularly participate in social activities that you enjoy or don't mind doing.
  • Continue to eat. Some people eat when they are stressed; but some people cannot eat when they are stressed or worried. If you don't eat when you're stressed, make sure you are eating normal portions daily. However, don't overeat, this can lead to obesity.

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Categories: Managing Sadness and Nostalgia
Recent edits by: Mynameisgarrett, Amit Pal Singh Brar, Ilovejesus123
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