Sunday, February 16, 2014

Meditations For An Unbetable Mind

From Former Navy Commander Mark Divine.  Navy SEALS use these exercises to develop courage, perseverance, and uncanny intuition.

1.  For the ultimate calm: Still water runs deep.  Envision sitting at the bottom of a deep pond.  Remain serene as you look up at the clear, sparkling surface.  Inhale deeply, and then count each slow exhale.  Your objective: get to ten without any conscious thought.  If you start thinking about a project or task, let the thought float to the surface and dissolve;then start the count over.  Practice for five to 15 minutes daily.

2. For Mental Toughness:Embrace the suck.  Simply repeating this famous Seal  phrase can help anyone lean in to a hard task without wavering or whining.  Another tatic: Laugh.  During Hell Week, A SEAL instructor demanded that I do 1000 burpees.  The only way I could get past 700 was to laugh as if I'd heard the funniest joke ever.  Soon I felt Bolts of energy flowing through me.

3.  For Better Recall: The keep in Memory Game.  Choose 20 random items and place them under a blanket.  Clear your mind with a few minutes of deep breathing.  Remove the blanket and study the items for 60 seconds.  Now replace the blanket.  How many of the items can you recall? Practice weekly until you can remember all 20 objects with nuanced detail.

4. For positivity: What dog are you feeding?  To identify and quash a negative mind set, SEALs stop to ask themselves one simple question.  Am I feeding Fear Dog or Course Dog?  Do this throughout the day to help channel negative thinking into can do energy.

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