Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Words Of Wisdom

God is a God of imperfect people. He uses imperfect people like you and me to do extraordinary things... Stay Encouraged & Be Blessed!!!
HOPE will shift your mindset to "see" what is possible! What was once seemingly impossible through the "eyes" of HOPE ALL things become possible!

Now I want you to declare what is possible over your life! For YOU shall do GREAT and mighty exploits in His name! Living Majestically!
People will tell you, “You’re all washed up. You’ve made too many mistakes.” God says, “My mercy is bigger than any mistake. I can still get you to your destiny.”
It isn’t the strength of your belief in healing that heals. Healing comes from a powerful God responding to your belief and trust in Him.
Real dreamers know you have to be a fighter too. Failure has to motivate you to try harder, not convince you to quit.
Be a happy believer, not a believer who looks like you've been baptized in lemon juice.
Your mistakes can’t strip you of your righteousness in Christ because it's based on His obedience! Find out more and be blown away by life-changing truths shared in the third of the Power Of Right Believing Tour messages by Joseph Prince.

You have comeback power! In life, you can be up today and down tomorrow. You can experience joy, then sorrow. You may have lost your money or your job, or your business may have taken a turn for the worse. In the midst of this, don't forget who you are. You still have you!!

Determine that this will not break you. It will make you stronger! Stand up in yourself and be courageous. Look to the future and not the past. You will survive and thrive once again. Create the mindset that this will bring out the GREATNESS in you.
Let go of those things that you know God wants you to get rid of from your life. Holding on to those things robs you of your peace! When you let go, God promises to give you peace that passes your own understanding. - Pastor Jackie McCullough #AnInspiredGeneration
I pray protection over you and your loved ones tonight- that you are secured in the Blood of Jesus. Let any attack over you be destroyed- in the name of Jesus Christ!

Look to the Lord and expect healing for your body. He is the Lord who heals you (see Ex 15:26)! Check out today's devotional and be blessed!

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