Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily Devotional Day 291

Philippians 1:12-14 

12 Now I want you to know and continue to rest assured, brethren, that what [has happened] to me [this imprisonment] has actually only served to advance and give a renewed impetus to the [spreading of the] good news (the Gospel).
13 So much is this a fact that throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest [here] my imprisonment has become generally known to be in Christ [that I am a prisoner in His service and for Him].
14 And [also] most of the brethren have derived fresh confidence in the Lord because of my chains and are much more bold to speak and publish fearlessly the Word of God [acting with more freedom and indifference to the consequences].


Receiving and Giving the Word
Sometimes we suffer attacks from the enemy simply because of our involvement with the Word of God. Mark 4:17 speaks of those who hear the Word and endure it for a while, "...then when trouble or persecution arises on account of the Word, they immediately are offended (become displeased, indignant, resentful) and they stumble and fall away."
Satan knows the Word will strengthen us and he wants to stop it, before we can spread it to others. So it's imperative to guard the Word in your heart and resist the devil when he comes to steal it from you. When you do, the trials the enemy brings will actually help bring others to the Lord.
The apostle Paul said there were many things that God allowed him to go through simply as object lessons for other people. Even during Paul's imprisonment, his stability and ability to be used by God was evident.
If we're to minister to others, we too must face some adverse circumstances. But if we stand in faith and confidence, God will bring us through to victory, and we'll be a great encouragement to others in the process.
Prayer Starter: God, I want to abide in You and Your Word every day. When trials come my way, I pray that You would use them to make me stronger and spread Your Word to those around me.

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