[For I always pray to] the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of
glory, that He may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation [of
insight into mysteries and secrets] in the [deep and intimate] knowledge
of Him,
18 By having the eyes of your heart flooded with light, so that you can know and understand the hope to which He has called you, and how rich is His glorious inheritance in the saints (His set-apart ones),
19 And [so that you can know and understand] what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of His power in and for us who believe, as demonstrated in the working of His mighty strength,
20 Which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His [own] right hand in the heavenly [places],
Far above all rule and authority and power and dominion and every name
that is named [above every title that can be conferred], not only in
this age and in this world, but also in the age and the world which are to come.
And He has put all things under His feet and has appointed Him the
universal and supreme Head of the church [a headship exercised
throughout the church], [Ps. 8:6.]
Which is His body, the fullness of Him Who fills all in all [for in
that body lives the full measure of Him Who makes everything complete,
and Who fills everything everywhere with Himself].
You’re Anointed!
by Kenneth Copeland
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord.” Luke 4:18-19If you are born again and baptized in the Holy Ghost, I want you to pay close attention because I have some good news for you. So good it will cause you to shout and jump and praise God. So good it will inspire you to jump out of bed in the morning, grin real big and holler, “Look out, devil. I’m up again, and I’m going to whip you all day long!”
What news could produce that kind of joy and confidence? The news that you are anointed!
I can almost hear someone’s religious mind working now. “Well, Brother Copeland, I’m just an old sinner saved by grace. I would never presume I was anointed.”
You mean you aren’t a Christian?
“Why certainly I’m a Christian!” Well, if you’re a Christian, then you’re anointed because the very word Christian is derived from the Greek word Christ which means “the Anointed One.” Translate the word Christian and you’ll find out it means to be anointed like Him!
In fact, to say you’re anything less than anointed is to reject the inheritance Jesus purchased for you with His precious blood. Jesus didn’t pay the price for sin just so you could sail to heaven in the sweet by-and-by. He did it so you could be cleansed and be the temple of the Holy Spirit who is the Anointing (2 Corinthians 6:16). Jesus suffered, died and rose again so that He could give birth to a new race of reborn men and women who would be equipped with His own Anointing. Jesus laid down His life so that He could raise up a race of believers who would walk this earth, not only doing the same works He did, but even greater works! (See John 14:12.)
The very thought of doing the works of Jesus staggers the minds of most Christians today. When we think about being witnesses for “Christ,” we usually think about passing out tracts and telling people the four spiritual laws. As wonderful as those things are, there is more to doing the works of Jesus. You’re to preach the gospel to the poor, heal the brokenhearted, preach deliverance to the captives, recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty the bruised and preach the acceptable year of the Lord. Why? Because He said so, and has anointed you to do it! You can do it! You’re anointed!
Speak the Word
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me. He has anointed me!” —Luke 4:18
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