Thursday, December 5, 2013

Let it GO!!!!!

Release and detach from every person, every circumstance, every condition, and every situation that no longer serves a divine purpose in your life. All things have a season, and all seasons must come to an end. Choose a new season, filled with purposeful thoughts and activities. — Iyanla Vanzant

Depression, self-doubt, fatigue, unhappiness, despair, failure, dejection, uncertainty, hopelessness, and self-loathing—these are the emotions too many of us nurture, cradling them close and how_to_stay_positive_and_love_life_picfeeding them like beloved children. We help them develop into the monsters that control us. We teach them our weaknesses and encourage them to take advantage of our failures. Why do we so tenderly foster the enemy this way?
Truth is—negativity is easy. It comes without effort, without goals, without having to stand up and fight for it. It at least lets us feel something, rather than the emptiness that we fear may overtake us. Negativity is also addictive in a way as we build up habits in our thoughts and emotions just as we form physical habits. Once we allow negativity in, it also becomes very difficult to free ourselves. It seems to grow, breed, and expand in our minds and our hearts until it overwhelms everything else. We drown in it, huge waves of sadness and self-directed anger crashing over us again and again until we feel we can never free ourselves. This is, of course, a lie. There is always hope.
That does not make what you or I feel any less real, tangible, or dangerous. You are facing a battle and it feels easier to just stay the course, let negativity take you wherever it wants. Don’t listen to it. Don’t you dare! You can be happy again. You can stand tall on a forest path, breathe deeply, and feel contentment roll through your entire soul. Take it from someone who has found himself in that ocean of self-doubt many times, bullied for being smart, for being nerdy, for being too skinny, too pale, too shy, and too much of a host of other things I’ve since come to realize had little to do with me and my insecurities as it did with those doing the bullying.
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