Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Dear Lost Melita T.,

Dear Lost Me,We have been together for many, many years. I never thought I could live without you, life without you could never be imagined. Our insecurities, self-doubt, fears, constant need for validation by others, regrets, zero self-confidence, lack of self-love and many other connotations associated with us. You were told you were not good enough, too dark, had too many imprefections and no man would ever look your way. But when you started growing up, you looked for validations in relationships and wrong friendships. You were used, but kept giving more of yourself hoping you will be loved back, but it never happened and you always thought there was something wrong with you. You cried yourself to sleep, hid yourself away and avoided public appearances because you were ashamed of the wrong friendships and relationships that went wrong. It was until you met a special someone, God, that you learned that everything that was said about you and done to you was not your fault and you did not deserve any of it. You found grace and mercy through the blood shed by Jesus, that you realised that you are perfectly impefect and a work in progress. You are beautiful, fearfully and wonderfully made in His image.
So lost me, I’m sorry but I had to leave to live a life meant for me by God, but thank you for the lessons. I would not be here had I not met you in my life.
I can proudly say I am…
Saved by grace…
Justified by faith…
Redeemed by His love…
Chosen for His glory…
I am who God says I am…

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