Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Pursuit Of His Presence

1 Peter 3:7-12 

7Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.
8Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous:
9Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing.
10For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile:
11Let him eschew evil, and do good; let him seek peace, and ensue it.
12For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.


Run a Harmony Check

by Kenneth Copeland

“‘If two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven.’” Matthew 18:19, New American Standard
The word agree Jesus uses in Matthew 18:19 can also be translated “to harmonize or to make a symphony.” A symphony is composed of many instruments which, when played together, seem to be a single voice.
If you’ve ever heard a symphony, you know that when the individual instruments are tuning up, each one playing separately from the other, it’s not much to hear. But when the conductor raises his baton and all those instruments begin to harmonize, the sound they make is tremendously powerful.
The same thing is true in prayer. Believers agreeing together in the Holy Spirit are a powerful, unstoppable force. That’s why Satan fights Christian families. That’s why he doesn’t want men and women unified in marriage. He wants us fighting and fussing all the time because he knows it will hinder our prayers (1 Peter 3:7).
Anytime you fail to get results from the prayer of agreement, run a harmony check. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you if you’re in strife with your spouse (or anyone else). Then follow the instructions in Mark 11:25 where Jesus tells us, “When ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you.”
It is not sufficient for you and your spouse simply to agree on the particular issue you are praying about. You must also be in harmony in other areas as well. So run a harmony check!
Speak the Word
“When I agree with another in prayer about anything that we ask, it shall be done for us by our Father in heaven.” —Matthew 18:19, New American Standard
Need prayer? Call 817-852-6000. We’re here for you, 24/7!
Also, visit www.kcm.org/youversion to receive a free gift from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.

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