Wednesday, December 18, 2013

How to Convince Yourself Not to Commit Suicide


  1. 1
    Think about it. Are the problems that you want to end by suicide that awful and permanent that nothing could alleviate them? Although you may not think so now, you will recover from your problem or problems and live out the rest of your life happily. There are no problems in this world that can be solved by suicide. 

  1. 2
    When you are thinking rationally, try to think of solutions to your troubles that are constructive, and that will help ease the hurt you're going through. The person attempting suicide doesn't truly want to die -- instead they just want the pain to stop.
  2. 3
    If there's someone who cares about you, you should talk to them about your suicidal thoughts. Many people have experienced thoughts of suicide, it would be a good idea to talk to one of those people to get over it.
  3. 4
    If you're really close to committing suicide it might be a good idea to admit yourself to some kind of hospital where they can monitor and stop you from killing yourself and keep you safe so you don't become a victim of suicide.
  4. 5
    Does any problem, thing or person have the control of your happiness and decide whether you're happy or not? NO. You have control over this person and nobody has control over it and can decide it for you.
  5. 6
    Will your decision affect others? While the pain may have stopped for you. The amount of grief that your relatives will feel will last their lifetime. Do you want your pain to go with them for the rest of their life's? Or would you rather work it out and get rid of the pain from your life altogether? # You may be tired and want a break, but suicide is permanent. Consider taking a vacation if really needed.
  6. 7
    You are the owner of your life, of which you only get one. Your existence is special. Why don't you leave that thing, situation, or problem which forces you to finish your life. And start a new life in a new place with new people in a new working environment.

  7. 8
    Is the condition of being troubled and confused the best to be in when you make this most important decision in your life?You know your problems and think you know where you stand,but you certainly don´t know what will happen when you kill yourself since you have never died before.Ignorance is not a good basis to dive into death.


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