TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
The Scripture talks about how when any two of us agree, it shall be
done. That’s a promise that when we stand in faith with another
believer, God will do what He said. Well, I believe that principle is
true even in the negative. When the enemy puts a thought in your mind,
if you agree, then your agreement is what gives it the power to come to
pass. But if you don’t agree, you turn it around.
The thought says, “Your children are going to get into trouble.” “No, I
don’t agree. My children will be mighty in the land. My children will
fulfill their destiny.” You’ve just stopped that fear from coming to
pass. The thought says, “You’d better not go out today. You’re going to
have an accident.” “No, I don’t agree. God has a hedge of protection
around me; a bloodline that the enemy cannot cross.”
the key: don’t come into agreement with the fear. If you don’t agree,
the only way it can come to pass is if God gives it permission. And if
God does, you can rest assured it’s not going to work against you. It’s
going to work for you. Today, pay attention to what you’re coming into
agreement with and don’t agree with fear. Agree with His Word and
embrace the good things He has in store for you.
Father, today I come into agreement with You. I choose to align my
words, my thoughts and my actions with Your Word which is a lamp to my
feet and light to my path. I will hide Your Word in my heart that I
might not sin against You in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen
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