What the mind can conceive - you can achieve.
This is why a person with a vivid mind - a mind applying creative visualization can achieve incredible result.Use the power of thought and creative visualization to manifest dreams and create change.
When we forget to use visualization and imagination, it is like not using our minds. Jose Silva
The mind cannot tell the difference between an experience in real life or an experience you create in your mind. By creating and visualizing different things you would like to happen in your life you are actually making them happen.
This is why many Law of Attraction teachers talk about vision boards and creative visualization.
By training your mind to see and feel what you want you are actually attracting it. In addition to the visual exercise there are also other parts you need to consider when getting the Law of Attraction to work.
If you have seen the movie The Secret or read the book you have been told you can attract anything. You have been told that you can just think of it and visualize it and you will attract it. This is not the whole process since this is just the first step. The second step is to be at the same vibrational frequency as the item or thing you are wanting. This you do with your feelings. You must "be in love" with what you want so that your whole being is sending out waves on the same frequency as what you want. Everything is made up of energy and everything vibrates - you just need to tune yourself into the correct vibrational frequency of what you want. Just like a radio station can switch to different programs by switching the frequency. The third step is to expect it.
1. Think of it and visualize it
2. Feel it by sending out the correct vibrational frequency
3. Expect it to come to you
This is the same process Helen Hadsell, age 83 (in 2009) has been using all her life to win countless cash Prizes, over 5 trips to Europe, a luxury Home, and Every Contest She Has Entered.
Throughout her life she says she has won every contest she has entered into and she says it is all because of using the Law of Attraction and the process above. More about Helen Hadsell here.
And what you Feel
And What Manifests
is Always a Match
No Exceptions
Esther Hicks -
author of "Ask And It Is Given"
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