If you can envision it in your mind you can do it. AND you need to take some ACTION to do it
Mind work is not an easy ride - it requires practice - just like exercising a muscle.
You need to practice how to be positive - how to believe in yourself - how to believe that you can do anything you put your mind to. The power of thought will help you when you apply it in a positive way.
But how will you apply the Power of Thought?
By surrounding yourself with supporting people and by using affirmations.
When you really want to achieve something it is important to be around friends and people who support you. This will inspire you - spur you on and when at times the goal seem far away your supporting friends and people can get you back on track.
This will be like an affirmation - a statement that you can do the unthinkable - that you are capable of anything you set your mind to.
Affirmation and subliminal messages
In order to change a limiting belief system about yourself you can start applying affirmations. Write down affirmations on a piece of paper and say them to yourself in your mind every night before you go to sleep.I am strong
I am smart
I am confident
I am successful
I am rich
I am a good person
I can achieve anything I want
and so on...
Alpha level
Why is it important to use affirmations just before we go to sleep as mentioned above? Why can't affirmations be used when we are wide awake? The answer is that your brain activity slows down when you are going to sleep and you are entering into the alpha brainwave level. The alpha level is an important brainwave level for reprogramming your brain.It is much easier to rewire your brain at this brainwave level than in the fully awake level (called beta).Our brain is made up of billions of brain cells. These are called neurons, which use electricity to communicate with each other. Combination of electrical activity between neurons in the brain are often called brainwave patterns. These patterns have a cyclic, wave-like look. When we think we are actually sending out brainwaves - electric waves - which are registered in the brain. These waves are emitting tiny electrochemical impulses of varied frequencies. These can be registered by an Electroencephalography (EEG).
There are four simple periodic rhythms recorded in the EEG and they are: alpha, beta, delta, and theta. These rhythms are identified by frequency (Hz or cycles/sec).
Beta: 14 cycles/sec or more - we are awake and alert
Alpha: 7 - 14 cycles/sec - we are in a state of physical and mental relaxation. At this level we can re-program ourselves
Theta: 4 -7 cycles/sec - we are in a deep meditative state.
Delta: 1 - 4 cycles/sec - we are asleep.
Over the past 50 years, brain researchers have been studying the effect of brain waves on behavior. Jose Silva was the first person to enter into this field and his studies showed that when your brain is in alpha wave level you are actually able to reprogram yourself. More about Jose Silva and alpha wave level here
Researchers have pin-pointed the Beta brainwave frequencies as the zone to create a super focus mental state, intellectual endurance, and for creative visualization.
Learn more about reprogramming your brain and neuron networks by getting the free Make A Ripple Make A Difference e-book
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