Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Gratitude 365: Beyond Thanksgiving

Another Thanksgiving has arrived. Have you made sure to tell the world what you are grateful for?
Gratitude, without a doubt, is one of the key characteristics of a leader. Since we all know that leading in a vacuum isn't really possible, it is only with the positive contributions of others that we as leaders are able to accomplish our goals.
However, I want to share a question that occurred to me this year as another feast is about to be served and many feelings of thankfulness discussed.
Why is it that we require a holiday to profess our gratitude? Regardless of what it is we are grateful for.
Whether it is your family, loved ones, friends or possessions. Being grateful isn't (or at least shouldn't be) a momentary feeling that passes with the massive consumption of turkey and stuffing.
The problem is that this sporadic gratitude for most isn't merely a reflection of how they feel about their personal lives, it is often a reflection of behavior that tends to show gratitude far too irregularly to generate the greater results that this emotional connection can yield in someones personal life or in the work place.
While our character tends to impact our lives similarly within the workplace and outside, I think it is important to take a moment to consider the professional impact of gratitude.
I certainly would never suggest that we shouldn't take a moment on a holiday such as Thanksgiving to say thank you to so many people in our lives who make it possible. However, the act of gratitude should never be limited to a specific day that comes each year.
In the past I have discussed the importance of saying thank you. For these simple words can (re)inspire and (re)ignite your team time and time again. The key to making this simple act matter is nothing more than being genuine. So long as the person to whom you give thanks knows it comes from the center, it will carry enormous weight.
So do you wait until Thanksgiving, or other high holidays to be grateful? If so, allow this to serve you as a simple reminder that gratitude is best when practiced regularly.
And to reiterate, Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday that brings so many families and loved ones together. By all means, let those in your life know they matter.
However, for best results don't wait for the calendar to remind you to be grateful.
While we all certainly come from different walks of life and we all have different things to be grateful for, we all have much to be grateful for nonetheless. And to wait until Thanksgiving to say thank you would be like waiting until your wedding anniversary to tell your spouse that you love them. Neither serve as the recipe for personal or professional success.
Do you show Gratitude beyond Thanksgiving?
I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I'm thankful for all of my readers and supporters. Happy Holidays!

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