Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Moment We Cry Out

The Moment We Cry Out

Post by Victoria Osteen on October 13, 2015
When my daughter was little, I remember how she would be playing in the living room and I'd be in the kitchen making lunch, and she'd call out to me. I knew she was fine because I was just in there a minute before and knew she was playing. My hands were full so I had to wash them, check the stove, and take care of some things before going to her. Not a half a second later, she called out, "Daddy!" And then a second after that, she called for her grandma! Now it hadn't even been 30 seconds, but when she didn't see me immediately, she called out to everyone she knew. Of course, I heard her when she called the first time and was on my way, but I had to work some things out first.
A lot of times, we're like that with God. We call out to Him, but if we don't see something instantly, we start calling on our friends and everyone else we know. But, faith also takes patience. We have to trust that God hears us even when things don't happen as fast as we'd like. We have to trust that He's coming for us. Scripture says that we need to be still and know that He is God.
Today, don't get discouraged when things aren't happening on your time table. Know that He heard you, and He will answer you. Call out to Him and trust that He is lining things up for you. Wait patiently and expectantly for Him because He always hears us the moment we cry out!
"And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of him." (1 John 5:15, ESV)

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