Friday, October 30, 2015

8 Reasons to Celebrate

8 Reasons to Celebrate

by Joyce Meyer
We have so much to be thankful for in life. I’m reminded of it every time I wake up in the morning—because God truly has worked out every negative thing that has happened to me for my good. Not only that, He’s made it possible for us to work together to accomplish some incredible things!

For each of the stories of God’s transforming love that we share with you from around the globe through our magazine and TV broadcasts, there are many thousands more. Together, God is using us to share Christ and love people all over the world—and I am so thankful for that!
Back in January, I set a goal for myself to be thankful every day of the year. I’ve tried my best to do that, and in the process, I’ve realized that complaining doesn’t change a thing! But choosing a thankful attitude can help me enjoy a perfectly lousy day.
I am so encouraged by this scripture and I hope it encourages you. John 10:10 says, The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).
You see, through every storm of life, we can be strengthened by God’s love, refreshed by His Word, and fully energized to press on in our journey of faith. Instead of focusing on the negative, we can choose to remember the good things He’s doing and celebrate!
Through the years, I have made many lists to remind myself of the reasons I have to be thankful to God. And to this day, I can look at them and be encouraged. A few of my favorites include:
  1. God’s provision
  2. The love of my family and friends
  3. Our partners
  4. The privilege of teaching God’s Word
  5. The gifts of the Holy Spirit
  6. Being able to help people
  7. Clean water and good food
  8. All the beautiful things that God has created
Each time I look at these things, I am blessed all over again! I encourage you to join me in this year of thanks. Write lists of thanksgiving for the good things God has done. Not only will it cheer you up in hard times, it will strengthen your relationship with God. He is so worthy of our gratitude!
Rejoice in the Lord and be glad. —Psalm 32:11 (NIV)

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