God answers prayers in the most unexpected way. Our job is to be open to His solution even if it isn't the one we hoped for.
To find happiness, you must be willing to stare at your fears straight on! And then believe that you can conquer them.
never asks us to do anything for Him that He is not prepared to give us
a reward for. He rewards those who diligently seek Him! Who are you
diligently seeking? – Pastor Jackie McCullough #AnInspiredGeneration
represent Almighty God. We should be an example of His goodness—so
blessed, so prosperous, so generous that other people want what we have.
Grace is not just the ability to forgive our sins, it's also the power to teach us how to overcome sin.
Joyce Meyer Ministries shared a link.
If you're ready to get rid of all your excuses, watch this short teaching moment with Joyce. http://bcove.me/nmzs5imb
Maturity is celebrating what God said and not necessarily what you see #2014Wisdom #PleasingGod #NothingElseMatters
yourself that God’s sovereignty is still intact. Give yourself the
reassurance of knowing every issue is not in your hands, but His.
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