Thursday, January 16, 2014


Quotes About Not Giving Up & Staying Strong

Never give up on something that you can’t go a day without thinking about.
— Sir Winston Churchill
Life is a struggle. Life will through curveballs at you, it will humble you, it will attempt to break you down. And just when you think things are starting to look up, life will smack you back down with ruthless indifference.
The reason most people never achieve their dreams is because they simply give up. Life was never meant to be easy – its a constant struggle, with extreme lows and extreme highs. Remember that the times when its most important to persevere are the times that you will be most tested.
not giving up
Photo (Zach Kowalczyk)
To help you in your quest to stay strong and persevere through adversity, here are some encouraging quotes about staying strong and not giving up. These are words of some of the greatest men and women who have ever walked this little blue planet we call Earth.
If these quotes ring true, if you find yourself nodding in agreement, if you feel a tingle run down your spine as you realize that these incredible people had to stay strong and overcome just the same doubts and fears as you – then you will know you are on the right path.

Encouraging Quotes About Not Giving Up & Staying Strong

Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.
– Dale Carnegie
Remember that guy that gave up? Neither does no one else.

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