Thursday, July 2, 2015

Overcoming Hurdles to Bible Study

Man reading a bible in his chair

Overcoming Hurdles to Bible Study

by Joyce Meyer
I’ve been studying the Bible now for over thirty-five years, and it has dramatically changed my life in so many amazing ways. That’s why teaching God’s Word is my passion and the focus of my ministry. Unfortunately, too many people approach Bible study seeing only the roadblocks instead of the blessings. It saddens me to think of all they’re missing out on.
Let’s look at a few common issues that keep people from spending time with God in His Word.

I don’t have time.

One of the biggest hurdles people put in the way of Bible study is time. It’s true that studying the Bible requires a time commitment. But when you realize that it’s the most valuable thing you can do to get closer to God and have the wisdom, direction, peace and everything else Jesus died for you to have, then Bible study will easily become a top priority.
Think about it like this: If the bank was handing out hundred dollar bills today, time probably wouldn’t be an issue for you. You’d cancel whatever appointments you had and make whatever arrangements were necessary to make sure you could get your share of the cash. The Bible is so much more valuable than any amount of money we could ever have! It offers lasting value for life. It’s a book of comfort, God’s wisdom, His love letter to His children and an instruction book that equips us to handle every situation in life, from relationships to practical, everyday life routines and responsibilities.
You can have everything God has for you, but you won’t have it just by praying, “God, give me a great life.” We all have to take the time to study the Word to learn how to have the great life God has for us.

It’s just an old book. It’s not relevant today.

There is an answer for every problem in the Word of God. Even when there isn’t a specific answer or direct response for a particular situation, you can find out how to get the wisdom and discernment you need from God to get the specific answer you need.
The Bible teaches us how God thinks, talks and acts. And when God talks, there is power in His words. When we study the Word of God, we are changed into His image little by little, from glory to glory. (see 2 Corinthians 3:18; Romans 12:2) Our minds and attitudes are renewed according to the Word. This means the more you study the Word, the more you learn truth that sets you free and you learn to think differently.
For example, because I was abused as a child by my father, I thought I would always have a second-rate life. I’ve met thousands of people over the years who thought the same way, that the mistakes they made, the circumstances they were in meant they were doomed to having a life full of pain. But as I studied the Word, I discovered the truth about God’s love for me, who I am in Christ, and how He has a great plan for my life.
This is true for everyone who is a believer in Jesus. We learn in the Bible that God has good plans for us, that He loves us as His children and wants the very best for our lives. I don’t think anything could be more relevant to our daily lives than that!

I can’t understand the Bible.

The Bible can seem like an intimidating book to read or study, but it’s not as hard to understand as many people think it is. God will never tell us to do something and not equip us to do it, so we can trust Him to help us learn the truth in His Word.
We simply need to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help us. Jesus says in John 14:26 that “the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit…will teach you all things…”
Start with the parts you understand, and trust God to give you insight about the things you need to learn. Also, make sure you have a translation you understand. And ask God to help you follow the leading of the Holy Spirit as you study. As you spend time meditating on scriptures—rolling them over and over in your mind, thinking about them throughout your day—you’ll be amazed by the revelation you get when the Word gets down into your heart, not just in your head.
I want to encourage you to make a determined decision today to make time with God, studying His Word, your top priority. Because there really isn’t anything more important you can do. Just keep it simple. Start with maybe fifteen minutes a day, or whatever amount of time you can give, and go from there. It doesn’t matter where you study or when, just that you commit to doing it on a regular basis.
I challenge you to get started today and let God show you the life you’ve been missing—the abundant life He has for you in Christ!

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