Sunday, October 13, 2013

Portland's suicide rate higher than the nation

By David Stabler | 

Every four days, someone in Portland dies from suicide, making the city's suicide rate  higher than the national rate, a new police report reveals. But just how much higher is not clear.
The report, compiled by the Portland Police Bureau's Behavioral Health Unit, claims 202 people killed themselves in Portland from April, 2011 to June, 2013. That's almost three times the national rate in 2010, the most recent year available, according to the report.  
But Lisa Millet of the Oregon Health Authority disputes those numbers. Portland's rate is closer to 25 percent higher than the nation in 2010, not three times higher, she said. The police report is misleading because it combines data from 26 months and compares it to a one-year national rate, Millet said. "They combine more than one year," she said.
Millet is correct, said Frank Silva, who compiled the data for the police report. His information was correct, he said, but "if you compare apples to apples, she's right."
Preliminary data show Portland's suicide rate climbed 16 percent from 2010 to 2012, Millet said. National suicide rates for 2012 and 2013 won't be available until next year, she said. Oregon's suicide rate has long outpaced the country. In 2010, the state was 41 percent higher than the national average. Western states have higher rates than the rest of the country.
The report revealed that 202 Portland suicides are almost twice the number of people who died in homicides (53) and traffic fatalities, (68) combined.
Portland saw an average of 7.5 suicides a month, or one every 3.9 days. "It's sobering," said Mike Reese, Portland Police Chief. "The statistics are telling and clearly indicate we have a problem in our community."
The report claims Portland's suicide rate is three times the national rate,
Police officers trained to respond to crises and mental health services must work together, said Reese at a press conference, Monday. "If we're trying to have a measurable impact, we have to have these relationships," he said.
Other findings in the report:
  • Most suicides were reported in the mornings and June had the highest average, with 10.3 suicides.
  • Summer months had more suicides than other seasons.
  • Men killed themselves more than women, 83.7 percent to 16.3 percent.
  • Whites represented 87.6 percent of suicides, African-Americans and Asians each were 4.5 percent and Hispanics were 3.5 percent.
  • The average age was 44.8 years.

The report did not include information on methods or locations in Portland. In connection to the suicide report, the police bureau released a short video about suicide prevention, with advice and crisis line phone numbers. The video is posted on YouTube.

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