Hero bus driver halts suicide
In an Oct. 28, 2013, photo provided by the Niagara Frontier
Transportation Authority, NFTA bus driver Darnell Barton poses in front
of a bus in Buffalo, N.Y. On Oct. 18, 2103, Barton’s decisive action
stopped a woman from leaping from a roadway bridge to her death on to
the highway below. Caught between the rules of his job and his training
as a first responder, Barton stopped his bus, grabbed the woman and
brought her back over the rail to safety. (AP Photo/Niagara Frontier
Transportation Authority, Doug Hartmayer)
Buffalo NY bus driver hailed as hero after talking suicidal woman down off bridge as dash cam records all (story and video)
In an Oct. 28, 2013, photo provided by the Niagara Frontier
Transportation Authority, NFTA bus driver Darnell Barton poses in front
of a bus in Buffalo, N.Y. On Oct. 18, 2103, Barton’s decisive action
stopped a woman from leaping from a roadway bridge to her death on to
the highway below. Caught between the rules of his job and his training
as a first responder, Barton stopped his bus, grabbed the woman and
brought her back over the rail to safety. (AP Photo/Niagara Frontier
Transportation Authority, Doug Hartmayer)
But not Darnell Barton. He spots the woman, knows something’s wrong and halts his bus full of passengers. The dash cam video plays out like a movie. Barton talks the woman down from the railing. He sits with her on the sidewalk. And then he returns to the bus, only to receive a round of applause from his passengers.
He is an everyday hero whose good deed might have gone unnoticed, but for the dash cam. Now it stands as an inspirational lesson to the world about being your brother's keeper.
Barton’s bus driver colleagues call the massive man “Big Country.” But on this day, when it counted, Barton displayed his huge heart. And what a sight it is to behold.
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