How To Talk To Your Child About Bullying
“They’re just words.” “It’ll only make you stronger.” “Just ignore it.” Chances are, these are the messages your child has received about bullying.
But for many kids, bullying is a reality they experience regularly.
Three out of four parents say their child will likely witness a bullying
incident at school.
So how do we empower these children? The first and most important
step is talking to them and making sure the messages they receive about
bullying are the right kind.
Whether your child is the target, bully, or merely a witness, your
influence can help change the culture for the better. Here are some DOs
and DON'Ts for talking to your child about bullying, brought to you in
partnership with Green Giant and
PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center. With these tips, any parent can address bullying and help
Raise a Giant,
DON'T: Suggest They "Just Ignore It"
common reaction to bullying is encouraging the victim to ignore the
bully. "They just want a reaction," people say, and if you deny them the
reaction, they'll go away. That's not always the case. Sometimes, when
the bully realizes they are being ignored, they can feel a sense of
power over their victim that can actually make the situation worse.
DO: Check In Regularly
your child basic questions about their day and their experience at
school can help you catch a problem sooner. Ask how a specific class
was, or who they sat with at lunch. Ask who is trying out for the team,
or who is going to local fair that weekend. These harmless questions
tell your child that you care, but they can also help you detect changes
in your child's situation that may indicate a bullying problem.
DON'T: Suggest Your Child Stand Up To The Bully
helping your child prepare a speech or enrolling them in self-defense
courses might seem like an empowering solution, you're sending the
message to your child that this problem is theirs, and that they have to
handle it alone.
Instead, discuss what some solutions might be and involve your child in the decision making process.
DO: Set Boundaries Online
National Crime Prevention Council reports that 20 to 43 percent of
middle and high school school students have reported being victims of
cyber bullying.
Encourage your child to protect themselves by following these two guidelines:
1. Never say or do anything online that you wouldn't say or do in person.
2. Never share any information that you wouldn't
DON'T: Express Disbelief
we'd like to think we know everything about our children and their
friends, don't express disbelief if they say someone has done something
that shocks you. Your child needs to know that they can trust you.
Asking them to provide evidence or saying that someone "would never do
that" can come across as you taking the side of someone other than your
child. Instead, be as supportive as possible and listen to their side.
DO: Encourage Them To Speak Up
recent study of children ages 9 to 12, showed that 56 percent said that
they usually either say or do something to try to stop bullying or tell
someone who can help (Brown, Birch, & Kancherla, 2005). Make sure
your child knows who he or she can talk to if they have something they
want to share, whether that is you, a school counselor, a teacher or a
DO: Discourage Password Sharing
the importance of keeping online passwords private, even from close
friends. Your child may be thinking that sharing a password with a close
friend is harmless and convenient, but explain that anyone with their
password could impersonate them online and embarrass them. If they
insist that the friend would never do that, remind them that the friend
could share their password, either intentionally or unintentionally, and
someone else would have that same power.
DON'T: Take Matters Entirely Into Your Own Hands
your first reaction may be to protect your child by calling the parent
of the bully or confront the child yourself, this is not always a good
solution. Not only is this this rarely effective, it may even prove
fodder for additional bullying. Your child wants to feel empowered and
involved in the solution, so discuss options with him or her and work
together to decide on a plan of action.
DO: Be Patient
child may be embarrassed or afraid to talk about what is happening to
them. This is normal. Rather than pressuring your child into speaking
before they are ready, just make it clear that you are willing to listen
and be a source of support for them. Once they feel comfortable, they
will know that they can open up to you and seek your advice.
Better yet, if you've had this conversation
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