not fret. It is not you, rather He who abides in you which compels the
enemy to attack. He sees the lives that you (through Christ Jesus) will
positively influence and the work you will do on His behalf which will
yield a plethora of positive outcomes.Although, it is of human nature to
become discouraged and disappointed occasionally, strive to not remain
in this state of mind. Others are watching
you and noting how you handle the situation.Demonstrate how a soldier
of The Lord conducts himself / herself, and recognize that by exhibiting
strength, love, and wisdom, you are encouraging others to follow suit."
By: Positivity Inspires
good thing can come out of returning to your old ways! Dont give up!
Keep going forward even if things are tough, keep going you already know
what the result will be if you do go back. God has so much more for
you. You can do it!! pray read the word surround your self with positive
BY: Armando Aguinaga
will sometimes position you into the direction that God truly wants you
to be in because what you see as a rejection could be God's opportunity
for promotion for you."
By: Stacy Y Whyte
is so much more that God wants to show us and do for us, so take off
the limited mindset and put on the unlimited mindset of expectation!"
By: Ivana Vereen
are so busy being fixated on looking for love in all the wrong places
with all the wrong people, they can’t focus on the one relationship that
is most important; their relationship with God. All of the things
people tend to look for in man/woman, but find themselves let down,
disappointed, or unhappy, are all the things God has for us all if only
we accept it. He offers love, trust, honesty,
support, guidance, loyalty, friendship, reliability, dependability
(etc.), he also offers a love that is incorruptible and unimpeachable.
If people would stop looking for love in all the wrong places, and turn
to the one who loves them even when they don’t love themselves, they
would be much better off, both in their lives and in this world. I don’t
and can’t understand why people look for a superficial love offered by
mankind, when they can have a faithful love that is undying, offered
only by God! If true love is what you are looking for, stop looking for
it in humankind and reach out to God and take what he already has given
you through birth and offers you daily through continuous life! Build a
relationship with him, and you won’t long for a relationship with anyone
else, however you will gain the ability to maintain a relationship with
yourself and become fully capable of being alone."
By: Highly Favored
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