Tuesday, July 16, 2013

July 16, 2013

Good Morning Loves,

Happy Tuesday!  I pray that today God will continue to bless and keep you.  Focus on the good in your life.  Some may say there is no good, everything is falling apart.  I've been there, I totally get it.  However, the fact that you're alive is a tremendous blessing.  Your alive to face your problems, difficulties, failures, disappointments. You have an opportunity to fix them, mend them, change the outcome, or turn them around.  You are the main ingredient in your life.  It's your responsibility to make your life the best or the worst.  Today, make a decision. 

I DECLARE that today I will face my fears, failures, and any obstacles head on.  I will put fourth my best effort to work through obstacles and overcome fears and failures.  I will not quit because I'm close to achieving my goal(s).  If I settle for less now, I will never know what could've been.  I will not allow dream killers to stop me from pursuing my dreams.  Even when things look impossible, I will remind my self that with God all things are possible.  I will say out loud Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me".  I will use every resource available to me.  I will seek out the assistance of others when I need help.  Failure is not an option.  This is my declaration!  Taisha Burgess

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