Suicide stats
n Suicide Statistics. Only car accidents and homicide surpass suicide as the leading cause of death for young people ages 15 to 24. According to the latest teen suicide statistics, suicide is the third leading cause of death for young people. Teen suicide statistics reveal for every two homicides in the United States there are three suicides. Approaching epidemic proportions, teen suicide is a grave problem with a young person committing suicide every hour and forty-five minutes. Many parents ignore the teen suicide fact because they don’t want to think it could happen to their teen. According to teen suicide statistics, for every suicide, they are 50 to 100 suicide attempts. Teen suicide statistics reveal teen suicide rates have tripled since 1970. Suicide, according to teen suicide statistics, is the second leading cause of death among college students, which may unnerve parents whose children have gone out of state to attend college. When teens have access to guns, they are more at risk according to teen suicide statistics and data. In fact as many as 60 percent of all successful suicides in the United States are committed with a firearm. Girls, teen suicide statistics suggest, are twice as likely to attempt suicide as boys by cutting themselves or taking an overdose. Teen suicide statistics and research also indicate boys are more likely to die by hanging or jumping off buildings or bridges. Teen suicide statistics also reveal males choose more lethal methods and are three or four times more likely to succeed in their suicide attempts than females. Some of the fact risk factors for teen suicide include having a firearm in the home. Teen suicide statistics reveal other high risk factors as well such as mental illness, depression and substance abuse. Ninety percent of teen suicide victims have at least one diagnosable, active psychiatric illness at the time of death. Teen suicide statistics indicate between 26 and 33 percent of teen suicide victims has made previous suicide attempts. According to teen suicide statistics from 2001, in the United States, suicide was the 11th leading cause of death in the United States. Teen suicide statistics from 2001 also reveal the following fact information: _ Among young people 20 to 24 years of age, the suicide rate was 12/ 100,000 or 2,360 deaths among 19,711,423 people. _ Suicide was the eighth leading cause of death for males, and 19th leading cause of death for females. _ The suicide rate among adolescents aged 15 to 19 was 7.9/100,000 or 1,611 deaths among 20,271,312 adolescents in this age group. _ Suicide was the third leading cause of death among young people 15 to 24 years of age, following unintentional injuries and homicide. _ The suicide rate among children ages 10 to 14 was 1.3/100,000 or 272 deaths among 20,910,440 children in this age group. _ Teen suicide statistics also uncovered the fact that more women, three times as many, than men report a history of attempted suicide. _ Four out of five teens who try to kill themselves, teen suicide statistics and suicide prevention data reveal, have given clear signals of their intent. Parents should pay attention to teen suicide such as giving away prized possessions, cleaning the bedroom, sleeping all of the time, writing depressing poetry or skipping class. Teen suicide statistics also indicate teens at risk for suicide may be obsessed with death. Experts base their suggestions on teen suicide statistics published by the Centers for Disease Control as part of its Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System. During a national school-based survey of 10,904 high school students in grades 9-12, researchers discovered 24.1 percent of students had thought seriously about attempting suicide during the 12 months preceding the survey. Their teen suicide statistics showed 8.7 percent of students had attempted suicide; 17.7 percent of students had made a specific plan to attempt suicide; 2.8 percent of students had made a suicide attempt, which resulted in poisoning, an injury, or overdose. Teen suicide statistics also break down risk by gender, age and race. When it comes to gender, teen suicide statistics show female students (30.4 percent) were significantly more likely than male students (18.3 percent) to have thought seriously about attempting suicide. In terms of race, white students (24.9 percent) were significantly more likely than black students (20.0 percent) to have thought seriously about attempting suicide. Finally, with regard to teen suicide statistics and age, students in grade 11 (26.3 percent) were significantly more likely than students in grade 12 (20.0 percent) to have thought seriously about attempting suicide. If you suffer from depression and have strong suicide urges, please seek the help of a professional therapist as soon as possible. You can find mental health professionals who specialize in suicide prevention by looking in your local Yellow Pages under Mental Health and/or Suicide Prevention. Local crisis lines may also be available. If not, call (800)-SUICIDE. If in the midst of an acute suicide attack, check yourself into the emergency room or tell someone who can help you find help immediately. This is not the time to try to handle the situation alone. After getting past the immediate risk of suicide, it is crucial to find effective help for depression.
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