Thursday, May 28, 2015

You Are Enough!

You Are Enough!

Jennifer Pastiloff | May 11, 2015 | Inspiring, Living

Dear PP Tribe,
I am so excited to share with you my new project: Girl Power: You Are Enough. The workshop launches in September in Princeton and NYC and I am working on the book in between these blog posts. My first ambassador for the project is Justine Clifton. In her own words (which I borrowed from her inspiring instagram):
“I am 25 years old and have been an above knee amputee for over sixteen years now. I was born with Proximal Femoral Focal Deficiency (PFFD) in my left leg, as well as a minor case in my right leg. PFFD is a congenital birth defect that affects the pelvis, particularly the hip bone, and the proximal femur. In layman’s terms, it means I do not have a hip bone on my left side, and my left femur bone would have never growth to normal length. PFFD also often causes deformities in the upper extremities. I was born with very short arms with only two fingers on each hand. (Hence the nickname T-Rex.) As I got older, my left leg couldn’t keep up with my right leg and the pain was unbearable. So, my doctors gave my parents and me our options as far as surgery. Even though I was only nine at the time, they let me make the decision. Most nine year old girls are thinking about which slumber party to go to, or which sport they want to try out for, but I had to decide on something that would affect the rest of my life. However, it was an easy decision for me, because I knew I wanted to be just like the “normal” kids. I chose to amputate my left foot so that I could walk with a prosthetic. I won’t lie, growing up with a prosthetic leg and small arms with only two fingers on each hand was tough. I tended to be pretty shy. I used to be afraid to try new things and be seen by others, but now I want to do everything and try all things! I am the strong, stubborn, driven person I am today because of who I am and the things I’ve gone through. I have so much more confidence in myself and my abilities now, and I see life in a new light every day! It’s awesome! I just want to inspire the world, and help others realize that they are amazing just the way they are, no matter what they’ve gone through or what they look like! I want to be a role model/mentor to children with limb differences as well, because I did not have others like me to talk to when I was younger. smile emoticon #youareenough #trex#trexamputee #amputeepride #rockwhatyougot#iamadaptive
So here’s what happened…
I made a video (who knew my videos were going to go so Ca-razy?!) where I was dancing like a total dork in my living room. In the video, I challenged everyone to be a dork. I said #daretobeadork. One of my instagram followers took my challenge and sent me her video. She found me through the Lucky Fin  Project, who I support fiercely. I posted her video on my Facebook and within a day it had over 200 thousand hits! Justine’s dream was to go the amputee conference this summer and with the help of my FB page, she raised enough and then some!

So our big idea is to meet in person. And what better way than on The Ellen Show where we can dance like dorks together?
I am so inspired by this young woman. Wouldn’t that be amazing if we got to shake our tushies on Ellen? Anything is possible!!

My question to you, dear readers, is this: Do you feel like you are enough?

(PS – You are. You are enough.)

You Are Enough! Don’t forget that. Ever. @JenPastiloff (Click to Tweet!)

But I want to hear from you. All your thoughts surrounding this conversation. Be candid and honest and for the love of coffee, be inspired by Justine.

As Justine says, we have to love the skin we are in. No matter what. No matter what.

I am also hoping for young women (fourteen-eighteen to write me letters about when they feel like they are enough, when they feel best about themselves, when they don’t etc. For the book.)
This is a dialogue that must happen! It’s vital and important. Post your thoughts below and if you forget you are enough, I will head over with some (or coffee) and sit down with you, straight across from you, and remind you.
Love, Jen xo

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