Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily Devotional
Proverbs 6:6-8
6 Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider her ways and be wise!–[Job 12:7.]
7 Which, having no chief, overseer, or ruler,
8 Provides her food in the summer and gathers her supplies in the harvest.
The Way to See Your God-given Dreams Come True
God gives His
children big dreams to pursue in life. In order for those dreams to be
fulfilled, we must spend time in training, cooperating with God in a
process of personal development. This process includes time,
determination and hard work.
These days, we're so used to
convenience. We use automatic dishwashers to clean our dishes and
laundry machines to dry and press our clothes. We just press a button
and a machine goes to work. But nothing is automatic in God's kingdom.
You can't fulfill His plans and purposes without developing the
necessary skills.
In Proverbs, we read about the ant. Ants more
than make up for their small size with simple determination, and we can
learn a giant-size lesson from them. We must be just as self-motivated
and self-disciplined.
As you develop that kind of self-motivation
and discipline to live for Christ, you will become all God created you
to be and also lead others to Him in the process. So keep pressing on,
growing in determination, and watch your dreams come true!
Starter: Lord, I want to be all You created me to be and fulfill the
dreams You've put in my heart. Help me to stay focused on You and put in
the time, determination and hard work necessary to grow in Christ and
live out the plans You have for me.
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