Thursday, September 18, 2014

A Jolt of Joy


The words of Paul in this passage of scripture come rocketing through the ages to those of us who live in the 21st Century and are desiring to live a life that pleases the Lord. Paul's words concerning how to live a life of significance and power pierce through our culture and decimate what we have been brain-washed to believe on television and read about in our newspapers and magazines. If your goal is to live a life of power, you will listen to and then obey these ancient words that are just as applicable today as they were 2 centuries ago.
The exclamation point of Christian living is proclaimed at the very beginning of this passage of scripture, "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might!" Paul declares that the very most important piece of training advice that he would give to any soldier is to be strong in the Lord!
God's will for your life is to be a strong Christian who is not easily swayed by the winds of life or by the roar of circumstances. God has even made it possible for you to be infused with His very own strength!
When you hire a personal trainer, they can tell you what to do and even design an exercise routine that will best fit your particular body type. But, what they are not able to do is to take their strength and muscular prowess and transfer it to you. Only God can do that!


Dear Lord today, put unresolved issues to rest, awaken untapped potential, put my concerns in a coma & alarm my enemies.
God didn't put you on earth to judge you but to enjoy you.
I pray any stronghold in your life is pulled down in the name of Jesus!! Tear down any demonic oppression!! God is your Strength!!
Everything in the earth was designed to serve you. You are the highest form of God's creation.

TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria

TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria

When things get difficult, it’s easy to want to give up. It’s easy to get down and discouraged. But, that’s not God’s plan for us. God wants us to be so full of hope, so full of expectancy that we just can’t help believing for the best. He wants us to be prisoners of hope!
When you’re a prisoner of something, it’s like you’re chained to it. In other words, you can’t get away from it. I know people that are prisoners of fear, prisoners of worry, prisoners of doubt. You’ve heard them. “Nothing good ever happens to me.” “It’s never going to change. It’s just been too long.” No, you’re chained to the wrong thing. You need to break those chains and become a prisoner of hope. That means that no matter how long it’s taking, no matter how impossible it looks, our attitude should be, “I just can’t help it. I know it’s going to work out. I know I’m going to overcome. It may be taking a long time, but I know this too shall pass. It may be difficult, but I know that means I’m closer to my victory because I am a prisoner of hope!” 

Father, today I choose to be a prisoner of hope. I choose to wrap myself in hope and attach myself to it! Thank You for everything You are doing in and through me in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen