Monday, August 18, 2014

TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria

TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
A yoke is something that is put around the neck of an ox to help control the animal. It limits its movement. If the ox starts to get off course, the yoke is used to pull it back. Even though an ox is very powerful, this small yoke keeps it from doing what it wants to do.
Some people don’t realize today that they’re living with a yoke around their neck. They wonder why they can’t get ahead or why everything is a struggle. It’s because of the yokes that are dragging them down. Negative words that were spoken over you can become a yoke. Every time you start to step out, you hear that voice, that parent, that coach saying, “You’re not that talented; you don’t have what it takes.” It plays again and again. Eventually, you shrink back. That’s a yoke.
Today, know that God’s burden-moving, yoke-destroying power will set you free! Call on Him and let Him set you free from every bondage of the past. Choose to forgive and release the yoke of bitterness. Don’t go around being burdened any longer. Study His Word and let His anointing set you free to live in total victory!

Father, thank You for destroying every yoke off of my life. I choose to surrender every hurt and pain of the past to You. I choose Your Word which is life to my soul. Thank You for Your anointing at work in my life to destroy every yoke and set me free in Jesus’ name! Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Live With Purpose

Live with Purpose

by Joyce Meyer - posted August 06, 2014

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be firm (steadfast), immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord [always being superior, excelling, doing more than enough in the service of the Lord], knowing and being continually aware that your labor in the Lord is not futile [it is never wasted or to no purpose]. 1 Corinthians 15:58
Life without purpose is vanity. Webster’s definition of purpose is “something set up as an object or end to be attained.” Christians ought to be people with purpose. We are all purposed to seek the kingdom of God, which is His righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit (See Romans 14:17).
Today is an opportunity to willfully and deliberately seek God with the intent to know Him better than we knew Him yesterday. Today we can deliberately move forward with the intent to accomplish good things for the kingdom.

Meditate On This

Meditate On
For You have made him [man] a little lower than the angels, and You have crowned [surrounded] him with glory and honor.
Psalm 8:5
Crowned With Glory And Honor
As God’s beloved child, redeemed and ransomed by Christ, not only are you surrounded by His favor, but you are also crowned (surrounded) with glory and honor. I encourage you to see yourself encircled with the same glory and honor that Jesus has at the right hand of the Father today. What a picture to have of yourself!
My friend, instead of moaning about all the qualities you lack and feeling depressed, see yourself surrounded by glory and honor. For example, if you are looking for a job, preparing for an interview or hoping for a promotion, don’t waste time worrying that others may be more capable or experienced than you. Instead, be conscious that there is an anointing on you because God’s glory is upon you.
Believe that the next time you step into a room, that room will light up and the atmosphere will change for the better because you are crowned with His glory and honor!

Daily Bible Quotes

Every day is a beautiful day for inspiration and faith from Daily Bible Quotes!

It's 8/5 and here is today's scripture:

Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.
    Psalms 31:24

Les Brown

Talk back to yourself when fear, doubt and negative thoughts try and stop you from believing in your power to achieve your dream. It can be difficult being positive when things aren't going well, but you have the power to do it.

Saturate your mind with affirmations, music, or anything that will inspire you and lift your spirit. Practice filling your mind with positive thoughts - thoughts of gratitude and visions of how your life will be different. Take charge of your life! You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!!

Pastor Riva Tims

We take pride in explaining how busy we can be, but yet feel guilty when we REST! God NEVER intended us to live our lives in a state of perpetual hurriedness. When you rest both naturally and spiritually it brings a refreshing to your body, mind and spirit!
Learn to take good care of YOU and rest, God delights when you are a good steward over taking care of the life He has given you! -Living Majestically!

Sandi Krakowski

People ask me all the time how I am able to stay so #happy. I would like to share with you some spiritual strategies that you can use instantly to change your mood and elevate your spirit. Happiness is something that is not rooted in what we own, how much money we make or even in what we do. It is rooted in WHO we become. My personal #happiness factor is rooted in who GOD says I am. This is the equation that I focus on when things get rough, I make mistakes, circumstances are hard or other things that could easily drain my energy and my joy enter in. Many people believe this equation: Who I am = what others say or think of me + what I do. This equation is a lie from hell! The TRUTH is this equation: What God thinks of me + what Jesus did for me = WHO I AM.
Now this doesn't remove personal responsibility, the words I speak or the thoughts I have every moment of every day. We aren't going to live in denial. To take personal responsibility is actually one of the most powerful things you can do. Even if we fail, make mistakes, or get ourselves in a horrible mess because of horrible choices, it is not a powerful thing to live as a victim, support a victim's mindset and deny the situation. (that's how people become addicts and create more problems for themselves!)
It's POWERFUL to take responsibility, press forward and move on. Life happens. Bad things happen to good people. I was sexually molested the first time as a very young girl and later gang raped in my twenties. That was a BAD thing that happened and it was NOT my fault, despite what my predators said. I've had business people steal from me, lie about me and other horrible things. That is not my fault either. But what I DO with that and WHO I become is the focus. It is a hard life to support being a victim. You can tell when someone lives like this because they are ALWAYS telling what happened to them. To give a testimony or a powerful story of what happened to us and then speak of WHO we are now, that is victory. But we've all heard people tell what happened to them and anger and injustice rises in their tone of voice and on their face. This is not a testimony, it's a method to support living a victims life. Even people who look successful can live this way. Doesn't matter who they are! I've even sat in conferences where the speaker leads other this way. That is very dangerous. It's the root of addiction, failed relationships and more. The truth is and the powerful way to live is to tell the story, the injustice, etc and speak of how POWERFUL we are now, all that God did, where we are going!
The key to staying HAPPY is to pay attention to what we're thinking. If you're having a lousy day and you feel anger, resentment, bitterness or anything rising up in you, remember this powerful statement and tell it to yourself as often as you need to: "I WILL NOT SUPPORT A VICTIMS LIFE." This then shifts your focus, your thoughts, your energy and even your blood pressure to POWER. Now... what we do next = who we truly are. How do we stay happy even in challenges, pain and suffering? Well, we don't fake it. We don't live in denial. Our JOY is rooted in this: I know that God loves me, will never forsake me and this horrible situation will one day be my story to share with the world. The key to staying happy and having a great day and a great life is to pay attention to what we are thinking about. Our thoughts may not even be our own! We can have spiritual forces seeking to oppress us. We don't have to agree with every thought that comes our way! We CAN SAY, "I don't agree with that! Get behind me you lying thought in Jesus name!"
Happiness is defined by WHO we become. #BEMORE