Thursday, December 4, 2014
Friday, November 28, 2014
The Uncut Umbilical Cord
Even when we change the backdrop, multiple times, that first landscape still survives, it’s palette being a more vivid shade than any of the others that followed.
First steps. First kiss. First love.
There is an ever present invisible umbilical cord tied to the place of our birth. @SkylarLiberty
(Click to Tweet!)
It’s as though the streets cry out to us, “Remember me, remember how I held you?”At the times I feel most vulnerable, there is a part of me that feels an acute pull to go back in time to the familiarity of all I knew in those formative years. I want to be cradled, wrapped up in the softness of memories and the comfort of yesteryear. For there is a place for me there, amongst the streets I used to know, amidst the paving stones that felt my footfall a thousand times over.
It’s easier than ever before to indulge our wanderlust. We live in an age of opportunity where different paths can be explored and new places beckon to us. We are lured by the thought of fresh starts on blank canvases.
Yet there is a part of us that we leave lovingly wrapped in old homes, in past haunts, not wanting to vacate the much loved spaces completely. Because they hold part of our story. Of who we are. So we cling on tightly. Even if we want to let go. Even when we yearn to leave, when we know we cannot stay, cannot grow if we remain, we never fully depart.
I’ve traced the walls of houses I’ve left, letting my fingers slide down the brickwork and paper, wanting the structure to keep a permanent part of me so that I may continue to exist somewhere solid. When I feel flimsy and flighty, when I have a need to be grounded, I can remind myself that there are parts of my soul forever cemented where my roots lay. Remnants of my journey still remain, clutching to those childhood spaces that are etched so vividly in my mind.So much of me is contained in my childhood town. The air is charged with memories that linger. I wonder how many lifetimes they will remain, how many seasons of change will they know. Are they always there? Or do they leave and return as I do?
As I turned from child to teen to woman my experiences were witnessed by the life forces around me. The trees whispered my secrets to each other and the breeze carried my childish dreams far, far away, telling the places that I longed to visit that I would one day come to their shores.
And now, I am indeed far away. At the same shores I once dreamt of, making new memories, creating new dreams. People and places of the past are images that live now only in the archives of my mind. Sometimes I see them in the raindrops that slide down my windowpane in rivulets. Sometimes I feel them in moments of déjà vu with different faces on other streets.
And sometimes I hear them, as voices of courage inside my head that tell me “I’ve got you. You’re home. You’re safe.”
And I am.
You Have What It Takes To Do It Afraid
You Have What It Takes To Do It Afraid
by Joyce MeyerFear is an enemy that torments the soul and seeks to steal our life. Conquering it is not something that we do in one day, or even in 1,000 days. It is something that we conquer one day at a time with God’s help. I still confront and deal with fears that try to make me think I need to do more, or try harder, or be nicer. Fear can show up unexpectedly. One of our goals should be to recognize it so we can deal with it right away.
Recently, I was waking up at about 2 or 3 in the morning and then having difficulty going back to sleep. After two nights of that, I found myself going to bed with a vague sort of fear that it would happen again, and sure enough it did. After about three nights of the same thing, God reminded me that I could pray and resist Satan, the source of all fear. According to God’s Word, the sleep of the righteous should be sweet (see Proverbs 3:24). I prayed immediately and went back to sleep and have not had any problems since then.
If you have difficulty thinking about resisting Satan, let me remind you that Jesus did it. We have His power and authority over the enemy, but authority is useless if it is not exercised.
Being free from fear doesn’t mean that we will never experience it or be confronted by it. It means that we are committed to not allowing it to rule our lives, and when necessary we will do what we need to do, even if we have to do it afraid.
Each fear you confront becomes a small victory and prepares you to face the next one. Each time you feel fear and decide to “do it afraid,” you will enjoy your new freedom so much that you will soon be totally unwilling to do without it. You will become determined to end your days of slavery to fear. That does not mean that you won’t still need to confront your fears, but it does mean that you will be more and more willing to keep confronting them.
When You Fall, Get Up and Keep Going!
The Bible says that the righteous man falls seven times and gets up again (see Proverbs 24:16). I love that scripture and I am greatly encouraged by it. Even the most righteous person fails to do everything he knows to do all the time, but he is committed to not giving up.Even if you have a weak moment, that doesn’t mean you have lost your victory. If we give up, even God can’t help us because we receive His help through faith, not through hopelessness. We need to stay positive, hopeful and filled with faith, and when we do we can overcome anything with God’s help. I often say that anyone can succeed if they refuse to give up!
Some fears are more deeply rooted in us than other ones are, and for that reason they may be ones we will need to be more aggressive against. Mine is the fear of making people angry. My father was always angry, and I never really knew if I had done something to make him that way or not. I would like to be able to say that after all of these years of teaching others, I no longer have to deal with this one fear, but that’s not the case. However, the good news is now I recognize it and I deal with it, so I still have the victory.
Being able to recognize the lies, deceits and strategies of the devil is so important. We should always be ready to resist him at the onset of his attacks. The longer we let a fear remain, the more difficult it is to get rid of. So make a decision to be a person of action. You have what it takes to win!
Armed and Dangerous
The Word of God says that we are more than conquerors through Christ who loves us (Romans 8:37). You are armed with the truth of God’s Word, and you are dangerous to the devil as long as you keep lifting up the shield of faith and actively applying the truth that you now have. We have what it takes, but must be active and never give up!Don’t be impatient! Possessing the full freedom that is yours in Christ is a journey. It is something we gain and then need to maintain. Always enjoy your progress instead of merely looking at how far you have to go. Today is a new day, and every day you can be one step closer to conquering your fears!
An Attitude of Gratitude
An Attitude of Gratitude
by Joyce MeyerWhile it’s easy to take these wonderful blessings for granted—and sometimes get into the bad habit of focusing on what we don’t have—millions of people around the world live without the basic necessities of life.
I’ll never forget the time one of our sons went on a weekend outreach where a team of people were doing ministry with the homeless. It was obvious that the experience touched him deeply because he called me and said, “If I ever complain again, please knock me down for being so stupid!” He was appalled over the things he had murmured about in the past once he saw, by comparison, how some people were living.
Think about it: Those without a place to live would love to have a house to clean, yet a homeowner is more likely to complain about cleaning their home. A person without any transportation dreams of having a car to drive, while someone who owns a car is more likely to complain about the cost of regular maintenance and unexpected repairs.
It is so easy to forget how blessed we are! Maintaining an attitude of gratitude is something we need to do on purpose.
Praise God: It’s Good for You!
One of the best things we can do throughout the day is praise God while we work. No matter what you’re trying to build—your home, your marriage, your business, financial security, or even an exercise plan—you can worship God as you work.Another thing we can learn to do is enjoy the seemingly insignificant blessings that we often overlook...little things like getting dressed, driving to work, going to the grocery store, sending emails, and hundreds of other routine activities of life. It’s where the majority of our time goes, so why not learn to appreciate and enjoy them?
Choosing an attitude of thanksgiving not only honors God…it’s good for us!
Praise Brings Us Closer to Him
Did you know that when we give God praise, it brings us closer in our relationship to Him? The Bible says that God inhabits the praises of His people (see Psalm 22:3).At my conferences, I make sure to be in the service as soon as the praise and worship begins because I love to be in God's presence. In fact, before I speak to an audience, I make sure I have entered into praise and worship. I want to fix my thoughts on God, thank Him for what He’s done in my life and for the words He’s giving me to speak, and I want to give Him praise for everything else He’s going to do.
We need to praise God because we love Him. It actually draws us closer to Him, which helps us hear the Word clearly, receive it, and hold on to it through faith.
Praise Brings Perspective
The truth is, God doesn’t need our praise or approval. We don’t have to thank Him in order to make Him happy, to satisfy some spiritual requirement, or to try to get Him to do something else for us. Giving thanks throughout the day is simply a way to show God how grateful we are for who He is.Regularly giving thanks to God not only helps us fully realize how He’s working in our lives, it gives us a new perspective—our mind is renewed, our attitude is improved, and we are filled with joy (see Psalm 16:11).
I like to think of praise as a prayer that naturally flows out of us. It’s a thankful heart attitude that says, “I love You, Lord. I worship You. I can’t do this without You. I need Your help today.”
Each moment that we’re given is a precious gift from God. We can choose to have a thankful attitude and live each moment full of joy…simply because God is good.
Speak the Truth
Speak the Truth
by Joyce Meyer - posted November 28, 2014Rather, let our lives lovingly express truth [in all things, speaking truly, dealing truly, living truly]. Enfolded in love, let us grow up in every way and in all things into Him Who is the Head, [even] Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One).
—Ephesians 4:15
People-pleasing behavior often leads people to tell lies because they fear people won't accept the truth. They say yes with their mouth while their heart is screaming no. They may not want to do something, but they act as if they do for fear of displeasing someone. If they ever do say no, they usually make an excuse rather than tell the truth that they just don't want to do what they are being asked to do. They may not feel it is the right thing for them to do.
We don't want to be rude, but neither do we want to be liars. Most people pleasers are not honest about their desires, feelings, and thoughts. They tell people what they want to hear, not what they need to hear. A healthy relationship demands honesty.
We should be able to say to people, "I don't have peace about making that commitment right now," and they should graciously receive that answer, but it rarely happens. Some people may not want to hear the truth, but that does not relieve us of the responsibility to speak the truth.
Lord, help me to speak and live the truth in all that I do. I don't want to be rude, but I refuse to be dishonest or to resort to half-truths to avoid the real truth. Amen.
Les Brown
Foolish people do not like to own responsibility for their decisions and never see the impact of their actions and choices on their lives. They will try to recruit you into their madness. They will attempt to convince you to pay their bills, pay their way and solve their problems. They do not listen to anyone and are always right ~ even though their life is in shambles.
Let others be satisfied with being spectators, complainers and victims. You are a player on the field of life. You have dreams and goals that you are determined to achieve. You have drive and a desire to make your life matter. There are things that others find very enjoyable which just do not fit who you are. Be focused, relentless and HUNGRY to make your life count. You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!
Monday, November 24, 2014
Your Words Have Power
and be in health,
even as thy soul prospereth.”
3 John 2 KJV
God desires that you may prosper and be in good health. The phrase here “mayest prosper” in Greek means “to succeed in reaching; to have a prosperous journey.” Are there spiritual goals, career goals, relationships, or other godly dreams that you are reaching for?
The phrase “in health” in the Greek means “to be safe and sound; to be whole; to be well in body; to be uncorrupt in doctrine.” Notice this phrase refers not just to physical health, but to spiritual health as well. When a person is uncorrupt in doctrine, it means they have a solid, stable understanding of the Word of God that can’t be shaken by current trends, society, or Satanic affronts. Right now, I want to focus on the health of the soul. You can be “saved”, and can come forth from the dead like Lazarus, but still be bound!
There are several causes of being tied up in our soul. I’m going to go over the major ones with you. They are:
- Words
- Works of the Flesh
- Unforgiveness
- Written Ordinances
- Curses
- Soul ties
- Oaths
- Vows
- Wrong Agreements
- Bloodline
- Idolatry
- Transactions
Let’s talk about self-imposed and word curses. There is one kind of curse against which even God cannot provide protection: the curses that Christians pronounce on themselves. It is a major way believers bring on themselves various kinds of trouble and they don’t understand the source. By speaking negative words about yourself, you shut off the blessings and expose yourself to curses. Speak life not death.
the flesh conveys no benefit whatsoever (there is no profit in it).
The words (truths) that I have been speaking to you are Spirit and Life.”
John 6:63
Isaiah 55:11, “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth, it shall not return void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”
You hide yourself from the enemies in your life by speaking His Word. (Psalm 17:4). You will be established and not slide by speaking His Word.
and his tongue talketh of judgment (justice).
The law of his God is in his heart;
none of his steps shall slide (slip, shake, waver).”
Psalm 37:30-31 (definitions mine)
The Bible does not address this lightly at all.
Matthew 12:37 KJV
The overall principle you need to be aware of that through your spoken words you are continually making laws for yourself. I cannot stress that enough.
Often when a person says something foolish or negative about himself, he excuses it with, “I didn’t really mean that.” However, that doesn’t negate the “law” or principle of God’s kingdom. The fact that you “don’t really mean them” doesn’t in any way minimize or cancel the effect of your words and it doesn’t release you from the accountability of them.
Mark 14:66-72 records how, in the court of the high Priest, Peter denied that he was a disciple of Jesus. To enforce his 3rd denial, he actually began to “curse and swear”. In other words, he invoked a curse on himself is what that implicates. Peter was quickly remorseful, but it is doubtful that he fully understood the full implication of his own words. Three days later, at the empty tomb, the angels told the woman, “Go and tell His disciples – and PETER – that He is going before you in Galilee..” (Mark 16:7) Peter was no longer considered a disciple. By his own words he had forfeited his standing as a disciple of Jesus.
Later – in John 21:15-17 - the Bible records how Jesus graciously opened the way for Peter to regain his standing as a disciple. He asked Peter 3 x’s, “Do you love Me”? Peter said “YES” – answering in the affirmative each time. Jesus was leading him in this way to revoke his previous denials. For each time Peter had made a wrong confession, he now made the right confession. Peter was reinstated as a disciple and recognized as such.
There is a way out.
Repent – Acknowledge that we have made a wrong confession and repent.
Revoke – We must cancel, whatever we said that was in error.
Your Words and Your Life
Your Words and Your Life
by Joyce MeyerI am sure you have heard someone say, “You are going to eat those words.” It may sound like a mere phrase to us, but in reality we do eat our words. What we say not only affects others, but it also affects us.
We can literally increase our own joy by speaking right words. We can also upset ourselves by talking unnecessarily about our problems or things that have hurt us in relationships.
Not too long ago I had a disappointing situation take place with someone I considered to be a close friend. I noticed that each time I talked about it, I would have a difficult time getting it off of my mind for the remainder of the day. I finally realized that if I wanted to get over it, I was going to have to stop mentally and verbally going over it again and again. People kept asking me about the situation out of genuine concern, but I ultimately realized that I had to answer, “It is better for me if I just don’t talk about it.”
What Happens When We Speak?
The words that come out of our mouth go into our own ears as well as other people’s, and then they drop down into our soul where they give us either joy or sadness, peace or upset, depending on the types of words we have spoken.When we understand the power of words and realize that we can choose what we think and speak, our lives can be transformed.
Plan to Say Something Positive
God has given His children a new nature, and we are taught to daily renew our mind and attitude. Having a positive outlook on life and speaking positive words based on God’s Word is one of the most wholesome things we can do.When you get up in the morning, if there is something you need to attend to that day that you’re not looking forward to, you can say, “I dread this day,” or you can say, “God will give me strength today to do whatever I need to do and to do it with joy.” Which of these two statements do you think would better prepare you for the day?
As we have seen, we eat our words, and we can rightfully say that they are food for our souls. Anyone who wants to be healthy is careful to choose quality food that will provide good nutrition. If we want to be healthy in our soul and spirit, we should also choose to take in words that will build us up and increase our peace and joy.
Draw Attention to the Positive
I believe there are many good things happening in the world and probably there is more good than bad. But the evil is magnified in a way that often seems overwhelming. Turn on any news station or buy any newspaper or news magazine and you will find it filled with reports of murder, theft, wars, famine and all kinds of horribly tragic events.We want to be well informed of what is going on, but to talk about world problems excessively or with no purpose merely creates a gloomy atmosphere that nobody will enjoy.
I recently walked into a room and heard a group of people talking about several businesses that had recently filed bankruptcy. Then they mentioned two others that they had heard were going to file bankruptcy. I felt a gloom hanging in the atmosphere so I said, “Well, God is not bankrupt and He is on our side.” Everyone agreed with me and immediately, the atmosphere changed.
I am not suggesting at all that we deny reality, but we can choose what we talk about. Instead of feeding ourselves a steady diet of “bad news,” we should choose to read, watch and talk about good things.
What Are You Talking About?
We talk a lot and quite often pay no attention to what we are saying, let alone think seriously about the impact of our words.If we are honest with ourselves, we may find that some of our bad moods are directly linked to our conversation. Even some of our problems can be linked to bad choices we make about what we say.
I want to encourage you to take some time and think about the types of things you usually talk about. What kind of conversation do you enjoy and participate in?
How to Get More Joy Out of Life
Your words may not be the cause all of your problems, but they can cause a lot of them and they should be given a good deal of consideration when we are looking for answers to the problems we encounter in life.We all have challenges in life, but we can make them better or worse by the way we talk about them. I don’t believe we can change all of our circumstances into pleasant ones by making positive confessions, but I do believe many of them will change according to God’s will. I simply want to teach you to be in agreement with God and learn to say what He says.
One thing is for sure, speaking negatively could hurt you and speaking positively never will, so why not go with the positive and see what kind of results you get?
Words of Encouragement
How Saying the Right Things Can Change Your Life!
How Saying the Right Things Can Change Your Life!
by Joyce MeyerI started smoking when I was nine years old and smoked for many years. I liked it! So when I decided to stop, it was really difficult.
Every time I tried to quit, I’d last a few hours and then I’d be running around, digging cigarette butts out of the trash or looking for cigarettes in my coat pockets – anywhere I could think to look for them!
I didn’t have success until I got a revelation: I was burying myself in defeat with negative confessions.
Why I Had to Stop Talking Myself Out of My Victory
Thankfully, God was able to get through to me eventually and help me see that if I didn’t change my confession, I wouldn’t change. Then, He began to put desires in my heart to start speaking what I wanted, not what I had.
I started saying things like, “I can’t stand to smoke! These things stink and they’re expensive. I don’t smoke anymore!”
At first, I felt silly doing this because I would make these declarations while I was smoking. However, within about a week of changing my confession, I realized I now had the grace of God to quit smoking.
What I learned from this is I cannot rise above my own confession.
How God Taught Me to Talk Like Him
Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue…” And Hebrews 4:14 (AMP) says we should “hold fast our confession [of faith in Him]”Confession means “to say the same thing as.” As the High Priest of our confession, Jesus can only do what we’re saying that agrees with His Word. So it’s vital for us to learn how to speak the Word of God and not just say things based on our feelings or even what others have said about us.
I believe we’ll have greater success with this if we concentrate on what we should be saying, rather than focusing on all the things we shouldn’t say. It’s self-defeating to go around saying things like, “I shouldn’t do that… I’d better not do this…”
I want to encourage you to really listen to yourself. Where’s your heart? See Luke 6:45. We need to stop saying, “Oh, I didn’t mean that. I was just kidding.” And we need to start being accountable for the words we speak.
The truth is, the things we say come from something that is formed in our heart. So you can determine where your heart is by listening to yourself. You can hear bitterness and jealousy…insecurity and unhappiness.
What Changing the Way You Talk Will Do
And the way to make progress is to speak His language…
- Bless everything you can possibly bless. James 3:8-10 says we have the power to bless or curse with the words of our mouth.
- Be thankful and say so! (See Psalm 100:4.) Don’t just think about how much you appreciate someone – tell them!
- Be an encourager. Give someone an encouraging word every day.
- Tell the truth!
- Speak the Word of God. Recite and memorize verses that deal with things you want to change or overcome – anger, unforgiveness, insecurity…
- Don’t talk too much. Be quick to hear and slow to speak.
Trust the Unchanging Rock
Trust the Unchanging Rock
by Joyce Meyer - posted November 24, 2014Jesus Christ (the Messiah) is [always] the same, yesterday, today, [yes] and forever.
—Hebrews 13:8
Feelings are emotions that are always changing, so you cannot depend on them. As a follower of Christ, you must learn to live by truth and wisdom, not by feelings and emotions.
First Corinthians 10:4 refers to Jesus as the Rock. An important part of His nature is His emotional maturity, which includes unchanging stability. During His time on earth, Jesus did not allow himself to be led around by His emotions. He was led by the Spirit. Even though He was subject to all the same feelings we experience in our daily lives, Jesus was always the same.
And He is still the same . . . and will be forever. You can safely put your trust in Him tonight, knowing He will not change, but will help you develop the same kind of emotional maturity and stability that marked His own life.
Les Brown
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Les Brown
No matter what you're facing, believe this ~ You have more in you...more energy, more power, more spirit, more courage and more turn your life around. Continue to put one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward despite the obstacles that you are facing. Work through it. You can do this. You really can! You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!
Famous Failures
These are just a few of the countless famous failures that you may or may not know about. It is easy to forget that the people we see as cultural icons now, were once simply people with dreams and passion.
What these three people, and all successful people, have in common is their unwillingness to quit and perhaps more fear of mediocrity than failure. In the three examples above the ‘failure’ seemed to fuel the passion to stay in the game.
Mediocrity is defined as the quality of something that is not very good. And while Bey, O and Walt had talents that were, according to their superiors, not good enough, they never stopped trying. Even if they were afraid to fail they did not let it stop them from staying the course. Their persistence, talent and passion put each of them in the category of greatest talents of the last century.
FAILURE is full of pertinent information. Analyze, Learn, Apply & Keep Going.
@Terri_Cole (Click to Tweet!)
Fear of failure
can keep you stuck or even paralyze you when it comes to taking the
next steps towards your desired goal. It can also push you into
unfocused overdrive, causing you to feel unfulfilled and frazzled.
Neither of which will get you where you want to go.Try to remember that fear is just a feeling, like all your other feelings.
It should not have some elevated status in your emotional life. What if Walt Disney never moved past his newspaper failure? Whether you’re a fan or not, a world without Disney would be a very different place. What if Oprah decided to give up on television and choose a more ‘practical’ career. We would all be worse off as she has touched millions with an invitation to think differently about ourselves and our world. And we don’t call Beyonce Queen B for nothing. She is an inspiration and becoming an icon to a younger generation.Your dreams, big or small, are specific to you. No one has dreams in the exact way that you do, and no one can express them as you will. In the face of fear try to remember this awesome Martha Graham quote:
“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.”The expression of your dreams and desires is vital, and as powerful as fear can feel, you are more powerful. Fear often masquerade as other emotions, that is why decoding your relationship to fear is mandatory if you want to bust through those blocks.
Ninety-eight percent of the time fear is just a feeling. When you can identify fear for what it really is, you begin to minimize it’s power. Take time to recognize where you feel fear in your body and what it feels like. Some people feel fear in their stomach, others in their throat or even legs. In moments when you are experiencing fear take a few seconds to scan your body. Where do you feel discomfort? Breath into this spot. When you acknowledge how you feel and bring your attention to it, you actually are allowing yourself to feel the feeling so it can then pass through you. Feel it to release it.
Feeling your fear is one of the many ways that believe it or not, you can make fear work for you. How do you manage your fear? In the comments below I would love to hear how fear affects you. Do you fear failure or mediocrity? Or both?
See you in the comments and as always, take care of you.
Love Love Love
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Your Words Have Power
Your Words Have Power
and be in health,
even as thy soul prospereth.”
3 John 2 KJV
God desires that you may prosper and be in good health. The phrase here “mayest prosper” in Greek means “to succeed in reaching; to have a prosperous journey.” Are there spiritual goals, career goals, relationships, or other godly dreams that you are reaching for?
The phrase “in health” in the Greek means “to be safe and sound; to be whole; to be well in body; to be uncorrupt in doctrine.” Notice this phrase refers not just to physical health, but to spiritual health as well. When a person is uncorrupt in doctrine, it means they have a solid, stable understanding of the Word of God that can’t be shaken by current trends, society, or Satanic affronts. Right now, I want to focus on the health of the soul. You can be “saved”, and can come forth from the dead like Lazarus, but still be bound!
There are several causes of being tied up in our soul. I’m going to go over the major ones with you. They are:
- Words
- Works of the Flesh
- Unforgiveness
- Written Ordinances
- Curses
- Soul ties
- Oaths
- Vows
- Wrong Agreements
- Bloodline
- Idolatry
- Transactions
Let’s talk about self-imposed and word curses. There is one kind of curse against which even God cannot provide protection: the curses that Christians pronounce on themselves. It is a major way believers bring on themselves various kinds of trouble and they don’t understand the source. By speaking negative words about yourself, you shut off the blessings and expose yourself to curses. Speak life not death.
the flesh conveys no benefit whatsoever (there is no profit in it).
The words (truths) that I have been speaking to you are Spirit and Life.”
John 6:63
Isaiah 55:11, “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth, it shall not return void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”
You hide yourself from the enemies in your life by speaking His Word. (Psalm 17:4). You will be established and not slide by speaking His Word.
and his tongue talketh of judgment (justice).
The law of his God is in his heart;
none of his steps shall slide (slip, shake, waver).”
Psalm 37:30-31 (definitions mine)
The Bible does not address this lightly at all.
Matthew 12:37 KJV
The overall principle you need to be aware of that through your spoken words you are continually making laws for yourself. I cannot stress that enough.
Often when a person says something foolish or negative about himself, he excuses it with, “I didn’t really mean that.” However, that doesn’t negate the “law” or principle of God’s kingdom. The fact that you “don’t really mean them” doesn’t in any way minimize or cancel the effect of your words and it doesn’t release you from the accountability of them.
Mark 14:66-72 records how, in the court of the high Priest, Peter denied that he was a disciple of Jesus. To enforce his 3rd denial, he actually began to “curse and swear”. In other words, he invoked a curse on himself is what that implicates. Peter was quickly remorseful, but it is doubtful that he fully understood the full implication of his own words. Three days later, at the empty tomb, the angels told the woman, “Go and tell His disciples – and PETER – that He is going before you in Galilee..” (Mark 16:7) Peter was no longer considered a disciple. By his own words he had forfeited his standing as a disciple of Jesus.
Later – in John 21:15-17 - the Bible records how Jesus graciously opened the way for Peter to regain his standing as a disciple. He asked Peter 3 x’s, “Do you love Me”? Peter said “YES” – answering in the affirmative each time. Jesus was leading him in this way to revoke his previous denials. For each time Peter had made a wrong confession, he now made the right confession. Peter was reinstated as a disciple and recognized as such.
There is a way out.
Repent – Acknowledge that we have made a wrong confession and repent.
Revoke – We must cancel, whatever we said that was in error.
You Have What It Takes To Do It Afraid
You Have What It Takes To Do It Afraid
by Joyce Meyer
Fear is an enemy that torments the soul and seeks to steal our life. Conquering it is not something that we do in one day, or even in 1,000 days. It is something that we conquer one day at a time with God’s help. I still confront and deal with fears that try to make me think I need to do more, or try harder, or be nicer. Fear can show up unexpectedly. One of our goals should be to recognize it so we can deal with it right away.
Recently, I was waking up at about 2 or 3 in the morning and then having difficulty going back to sleep. After two nights of that, I found myself going to bed with a vague sort of fear that it would happen again, and sure enough it did. After about three nights of the same thing, God reminded me that I could pray and resist Satan, the source of all fear. According to God’s Word, the sleep of the righteous should be sweet (see Proverbs 3:24). I prayed immediately and went back to sleep and have not had any problems since then.

If you have difficulty thinking about resisting Satan, let me remind you that Jesus did it. We have His power and authority over the enemy, but authority is useless if it is not exercised.
Being free from fear doesn’t mean that we will never experience it or be confronted by it. It means that we are committed to not allowing it to rule our lives, and when necessary we will do what we need to do, even if we have to do it afraid.
Each fear you confront becomes a small victory and prepares you to face the next one. Each time you feel fear and decide to “do it afraid,” you will enjoy your new freedom so much that you will soon be totally unwilling to do without it. You will become determined to end your days of slavery to fear. That does not mean that you won’t still need to confront your fears, but it does mean that you will be more and more willing to keep confronting them.
When You Fall, Get Up and Keep Going!
The Bible says that the righteous man falls seven times and gets up again (see Proverbs 24:16). I love that scripture and I am greatly encouraged by it. Even the most righteous person fails to do everything he knows to do all the time, but he is committed to not giving up.Even if you have a weak moment, that doesn’t mean you have lost your victory. If we give up, even God can’t help us because we receive His help through faith, not through hopelessness. We need to stay positive, hopeful and filled with faith, and when we do we can overcome anything with God’s help. I often say that anyone can succeed if they refuse to give up!
Some fears are more deeply rooted in us than other ones are, and for that reason they may be ones we will need to be more aggressive against. Mine is the fear of making people angry. My father was always angry, and I never really knew if I had done something to make him that way or not. I would like to be able to say that after all of these years of teaching others, I no longer have to deal with this one fear, but that’s not the case. However, the good news is now I recognize it and I deal with it, so I still have the victory.
Being able to recognize the lies, deceits and strategies of the devil is so important. We should always be ready to resist him at the onset of his attacks. The longer we let a fear remain, the more difficult it is to get rid of. So make a decision to be a person of action. You have what it takes to win!
Armed and Dangerous
The Word of God says that we are more than conquerors through Christ who loves us (Romans 8:37). You are armed with the truth of God’s Word, and you are dangerous to the devil as long as you keep lifting up the shield of faith and actively applying the truth that you now have. We have what it takes, but must be active and never give up!Don’t be impatient! Possessing the full freedom that is yours in Christ is a journey. It is something we gain and then need to maintain. Always enjoy your progress instead of merely looking at how far you have to go. Today is a new day, and every day you can be one step closer to conquering your fears!
Prevent Disappointment
Prevent Disappointment
by Joyce Meyer - posted November 12, 2014They trusted in, leaned on, and confidently relied on You, and were not ashamed or confounded or disappointed.
—Psalm 22:5
There is nothing unusual or wrong about initial feelings of disappointment, but it is what we do from that point forward that makes all the difference in the world. Absolutely nobody gets everything they want all the time, so we need to learn how to deal properly with disappointment.
Trusting God completely and believing that His plan is infinitely better for you than your own will prevent you from being disappointed with God. You might feel anger toward your situation, but don't ever be angry with God. When you get angry, you naturally want to lash out at someone, but it is unwise to make God your target. He is the only One Who can help you and truly comfort you; therefore, it is much better to run to Him in your time of pain than away from Him.
Power Thought: I trust God completely and am never disappointed with Him.
You have greatness within you
You must work even harder to express the GREATNESS that you have within you. While others are struggling to survive, you have the ability to live from a place of abundance and personal power ~ because you got it like that. You are not like your family members or friends. You are different!! Do something about it. You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Quitting is never an option
Good morning Winners,
It's been a while since I posted a message and I owe you all an apology. I apologize sincerely for not doing my part to keep this blog up to date.
I have been through a lot in the past three years. I've experienced some losses that really hurt and hit home. I know what it's like to wonder if I'm going to make it through this. However, not once did I ever consider giving up. I'm not a quitter and neither are you. You are more than a conquer, you are handsome, you are beautiful, you are intelligent, you are successful, and you can do it. Repeat this out loud: I matter. I have gifts and talents to share with the world that no one else has. I can and will make a difference. I can make a positive impact on somebody's life and I will. Now Go Do It!
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Les Brown
Create some positive things for yourself today. Believe that you can dream again, create once more, achieve another goal, laugh out loud and connect with life on a deeper level than you have ever done before. Life is waiting for you to explore it. Live full...Die empty!
A Formula for Timeless Self-Confidence
A Formula for Timeless Self-Confidence
People think you’re born with it.
You can buy it.
You either have IT or you don’t.
But the secret is….
People are wrong.
Confidence is something you LEARN.
Something you PRACTICE.
The only way to build confidence so that it LASTS, is step by step. @ishitagupta (Click to Tweet!)
We want it to last, don’t we?I practice confidence all the time. All. The. Time.
One way I do it is by going back to one of my favorite books, ”Think and Grow Rich,” which has stood the test of time not just for me but for millions of people since Napoleon Hill wrote it in 1960. It’s one of the most influential tools I’ve used to build a career and life that’s focused on service, wealth, and sustainability, i.e. creating a life for the long haul, not just a few years. I am very picky about my resources and this book is no joke.
I can just see my clients rolling their eyes now; I never fail to mention the book if they’re feeling stuck.
One of the most helpful parts of the book - the reason I go back to it again and again, is because it is highly specific; it has MEAT and doesn’t skimp on the “how to.” The strategy to create enormous opportunity and wealth is laid out in front of you so you don’t have to think about – you just have to believe, feel it, and TEST IT OUT.
One of the most used strategies is the Self-Confidence Formula.
It’s a systematic, 5-step formula to go back to whenever you need to build up your confidence. It’s something I wanted to practice, so I wrote out the formula on a giant notepad where I keep my affirmations, and I read it daily. I’ve re-written the formula over the years, but one thing remains the same, I go back to it again and again. It shows me just how useful it is to trust in my own competence, which comes in handy every minute of every day as an entrepreneur.I want to share the formula with you so you can test it out for yourself. If you’re visual, like me, write it out. If you’re an auditory learner, read it out loud. However you do it, do it. Make it your own. If you feel doubtful, scared, or anxious, it’s worth the test. See below for the formula.
My morning tools: Copy of “Think and Grow Rich,” my affirmations notebook, dreams notepad, sharpies. Not pictured: hot cuppa tea and a candle to the left.
Check out the top right corner of my copy. I even highlight for MYSELF how it works.
SELF-CONFIDENCE FORMULA (straight from the book)
- FIRST: I know that I have the ability to achieve the object of my definite purpose in life; therefore, I demand of myself persistent, continuous action toward its attainment, and I here and now promise to render such action.
- SECOND: I realize the dominating thoughts of my mind will eventually reproduce themselves in outward, physical action, and gradually transform themselves into physical reality; therefore I will concentrate my thoughts for thirty minutes daily, upon the task of thining of the person I intend to become, thereby creating in my mind a clear mental picture. [Note: This is one of the most legit parts of the formula. It works.]
- THIRD: I know through the principle of autosuggestion, any desire that I persistently hold in my mind will eventually seek expression through some practical means of attaining the object back of it; therefore, I will devote ten minutes daily to demanding of myself the development of self-confidence.
- FOURTH: I have clearly written down a description of my definite chief aim in life, and I will never stop trying, until I shall have developed sufficient self-confidence for its attainment.
- FIFTH: I fully realize that no wealth or position can long endure, unless built upon truth and justice; therefore, I will engage in no transaction which does not benefit all whom it affects. I will succeed by attracting to myself the forces I wish to use, and the cooperation of other people. I will induce others to serve me, because of my willingness to serve others. I will eliminate hatred, jealousy, selfishness, and cynicism, by developing love for all humanity, because I know that a negative attitude toward others can never bring me success. I will cause others to believe in me, because I will believe in them, and in myself. I will sign my name to this formula, commit it to memory, and repeat it aloud once a day, with full faith that it will gradually influence my thoughts and actions so that I will become a self-reliant, successful person.
Nice, right? I love how the emphasis is on respecting others AND knowing how capable and competent YOU are.
If you don’t have a copy of the book already, please grab one. They’re $7 used on Amazon. Let me know how the formula works for you when you try it. I’m confident (see what I did there?Meditate On This
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. |
Matthew 6:34 |
Grace For Each Day |
The spiritual principle here is that God gives us manna or grace for each day. And the grace that He gives us for today is not meant to be “kept” or used for tomorrow. He gives you grace today for today’s needs. Don’t worry about tomorrow’s needs. When tomorrow comes, rest assured that there will be a fresh supply of His grace!
If you spend precious time and energy today fretting about the needs of tomorrow, next week or next month, you’ll just get into a cycle of agitation, worry and fear. You’ll also miss out on what God’s grace is supplying you today.
So quit worrying about tomorrow, next week, next month or next year. As each day arrives, God gives you the grace anew to do what you need to for the day. Just rest in His faithfulness, focus on this day that He’s given you and enjoy His fresh supply of grace to meet the demands of all your needs TODAY!
Monday, October 27, 2014
Les Brown
Don’t let nobody turn you around! You have a power in you that can turn rejection into acceptance; powerlessness into strength; and a layoff into a successful business. Don’t let nobody turn you around! This is the time you have to get your hustle on and make things happen because you were born to win. You have GREATNESS within you!
How to Overcome Negative Thinking and Live with Hope
How to Overcome Negative Thinking and Live with Hope
by Joyce MeyerDo you have hope for your future? Or do you generally expect negative or disappointing things to happen?
I often wondered, What’s going to go wrong next?
It wasn’t until I was an adult that I realized I was living with evil forebodings, which created a vague feeling around me all the time that something bad was going to happen.
Then one day, God spoke to my heart about this. He showed me that I was dreading that something bad was going to happen, but He wanted me to expect good things to happen. Jeremiah 29:11 (AMP) tells us that God’s thoughts and plans for us are “for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.”
God wanted me to say, “Something good is going to happen!”
The truth is, God doesn’t work in us through negative attitudes full of self-pity, laziness, passivity or an “everybody owes me” perspective. God works through faith! But before we can have faith, we have to have hope.
I Became a Prisoner of Hope!
Hope is favorable and confident expectation; it’s an expectant attitude that something good is going to happen and things will work out, no matter what situation we’re facing.Zechariah 9:12 (AMP) says, “Return to the stronghold [of security and prosperity], you prisoners of hope; even today do I declare that I will restore double your former prosperity to you.”
I like the phrase “prisoners of hope.” Think about it… If you’re a prisoner, you have no choice about it – you can’t be negative. And when times are tough or you’re dealing with disappointment, hope will cause you to rise up in faith and say, “God, I praise You and I believe You’re working on this situation and working in me. My faith, trust and hope are in You!”
Hope is determined and doesn’t give up. God wants us to be locked up in hope, trusting that He can change what needs to be changed, that we can do what He wants us to do, and that all things are possible with God. If we will be steadfast in our hope, we can’t lose – we have to be winners in life.
When God called me to ministry, it didn’t happen overnight. There were many years of preparation and building up what is now a worldwide ministry. During those years, I wanted to quit many times. But my testimony is, I’m still here! And if you won’t give up, you’ll have victory too.
Human nature is impatient, selfish and wants things quickly. Why is it that although it takes us years to get into our messes, we expect God to get us out of them in a few days?
In John 16:33, Jesus tells us that we are going to have tribulation, trials, distress and frustration in this world, but in spite of that, we can be of good cheer and take heart. Why? Because He has overcome the world. And when we live in Him, we become overcomers too!
That’s why Jesus died for us. He came to save us from sin and death and to give us abundant life – now. And I’m determined to have everything Jesus died to give me.
Make a decision to have everything Jesus died to give you. You have to do it on purpose. Be determined to do what God wants you to do and refuse to live with negative expectations. Ask God to help you live in hope and declare by faith, “Something good is going to happen to me!”
Building Your Confidence
Building Your Confidence
by Joyce MeyerIn that moment, Paul stood in the midst of the survivors and said to them, “I beg you to be in good spirits and take heart, for there will be no loss of life among you…” (v. 22). He then shared that an angel of God told him this, and said in verse 25, “So keep up your courage, men, for I have faith (complete confidence) in God that it will be exactly as it was told me.”
How could Paul, in the middle of a horrible storm, ask the people to “be in good spirits” and have a good attitude? Because he believed in his heart—without a doubt—“that it will be exactly as it was told me.” I love that! It’s a great picture of the power of faith in God when all hope seems lost. And we can have the very same faith that Paul had if we will overcome doubt.
We all face storms in life. Some are more difficult than others, but we all go through trials and tribulation. That’s why we have the gift of faith. Ephesians 6:16 (NIV) calls it “the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.” Doubt is a type of “flaming arrow” that the enemy uses to attack our faith.
We usually experience doubt after we’ve made a decision. In James 1:6, the Bible says having doubt is like being tossed about like the wind, which feels like you’re trying to go in two different directions at the same time. And it’s miserable to be torn between two places, not able to decide what you really believe. It’s in those moments we have to choose whether we are going to believe God or the enemy…God or our feelings…God or what people tell us…God or our circumstances…
When doubt comes against us, we have to lift up the shield of faith. We do this when we open our mouth and say what God’s Word says, rather than grumbling and complaining about the problem. Our faith is released as we say, pray and do the Word. So in those times, open your mouth and say, “I believe that everything God has told me will come to pass!”
Maybe you’re doubting whether you can hear God’s voice or not. This happens because we usually doubt ourselves more than we doubt God. Now I’m not talking about actually hearing a voice; I’m talking about that knowing we have inside our hearts about what is right or wrong. That’s the still, small voice of God. Believers in Jesus Christ all have it, but many don’t have the confidence to trust it.
The Bible says in James 1:5 that when we need wisdom, we can go to God, ask Him for it, and He will give it to us “liberally and ungrudgingly, without reproaching or faultfinding” (AMP). What this means is that even with our imperfections, God will be faithful to us and give us what we need if we will ask Him for help. He loves us, blesses us and uses us in spite of us, because He is faithful! And we never have to doubt that.
I’ve learned through my own relationship with God that He’s not expecting me to be perfect; He wants me to do my best to be in His will and take steps of faith as He leads me, through His Word and the promptings He speaks to my heart. Remember, He wants us to put our confidence in Him. God really does want to speak to you personally and lead you in His great plan for your life. So don’t be afraid to step out and do what’s in your heart. If you make a mistake, you’ll learn from it and go on. That’s how we “step out and find out.” And we all have to do it.
I want to encourage you to begin making confessions every day that will help you grow in your faith and confidence in God. We need to make declarations like, “God loves me. He wants to speak to my heart. I can hear from God. He is faithful to me and will lead me in His will for my life. And I believe it will be exactly as God has told me!” By God’s grace, we can be bold in faith and overcome every attack of doubt during the storms of life.
You Have What It Takes To Do It Afraid
You Have What It Takes To Do It Afraid
by Joyce MeyerFear is an enemy that torments the soul and seeks to steal our life. Conquering it is not something that we do in one day, or even in 1,000 days. It is something that we conquer one day at a time with God’s help. I still confront and deal with fears that try to make me think I need to do more, or try harder, or be nicer. Fear can show up unexpectedly. One of our goals should be to recognize it so we can deal with it right away.
Recently, I was waking up at about 2 or 3 in the morning and then having difficulty going back to sleep. After two nights of that, I found myself going to bed with a vague sort of fear that it would happen again, and sure enough it did. After about three nights of the same thing, God reminded me that I could pray and resist Satan, the source of all fear. According to God’s Word, the sleep of the righteous should be sweet (see Proverbs 3:24). I prayed immediately and went back to sleep and have not had any problems since then.
If you have difficulty thinking about resisting Satan, let me remind you that Jesus did it. We have His power and authority over the enemy, but authority is useless if it is not exercised.
Being free from fear doesn’t mean that we will never experience it or be confronted by it. It means that we are committed to not allowing it to rule our lives, and when necessary we will do what we need to do, even if we have to do it afraid.
Each fear you confront becomes a small victory and prepares you to face the next one. Each time you feel fear and decide to “do it afraid,” you will enjoy your new freedom so much that you will soon be totally unwilling to do without it. You will become determined to end your days of slavery to fear. That does not mean that you won’t still need to confront your fears, but it does mean that you will be more and more willing to keep confronting them.
When You Fall, Get Up and Keep Going!
The Bible says that the righteous man falls seven times and gets up again (see Proverbs 24:16). I love that scripture and I am greatly encouraged by it. Even the most righteous person fails to do everything he knows to do all the time, but he is committed to not giving up.Even if you have a weak moment, that doesn’t mean you have lost your victory. If we give up, even God can’t help us because we receive His help through faith, not through hopelessness. We need to stay positive, hopeful and filled with faith, and when we do we can overcome anything with God’s help. I often say that anyone can succeed if they refuse to give up!
Some fears are more deeply rooted in us than other ones are, and for that reason they may be ones we will need to be more aggressive against. Mine is the fear of making people angry. My father was always angry, and I never really knew if I had done something to make him that way or not. I would like to be able to say that after all of these years of teaching others, I no longer have to deal with this one fear, but that’s not the case. However, the good news is now I recognize it and I deal with it, so I still have the victory.
Being able to recognize the lies, deceits and strategies of the devil is so important. We should always be ready to resist him at the onset of his attacks. The longer we let a fear remain, the more difficult it is to get rid of. So make a decision to be a person of action. You have what it takes to win!
Armed and Dangerous
The Word of God says that we are more than conquerors through Christ who loves us (Romans 8:37). You are armed with the truth of God’s Word, and you are dangerous to the devil as long as you keep lifting up the shield of faith and actively applying the truth that you now have. We have what it takes, but must be active and never give up!Don’t be impatient! Possessing the full freedom that is yours in Christ is a journey. It is something we gain and then need to maintain. Always enjoy your progress instead of merely looking at how far you have to go. Today is a new day, and every day you can be one step closer to conquering your fears!
Speak Positively
Speak Positively
by Joyce Meyer - posted October 27, 2014Behold, You desire truth in the inner being; make me therefore to know wisdom in my inmost heart.
—Psalm 51:6
Focus on speaking words in faith today; keep your confession truthful but positive. Don't deny the existence of your circumstances, but confess what God's Word has to say about your situation.
For example, if you are sneezing, coughing, and finding it difficult to breathe, it isn't truthful to say you aren't sick. But you can learn to present a negative situation in a positive way. You can say, "I believe.”
How I Accidentally Delayed My Emotional Healing After Grief
How I Accidentally Delayed My Emotional Healing After Grief
Back in New York, where I lived (and happily still do live – thanks to a miracle of sorts!) I was an avid cyclist. As soon as I slipped my toosh onto that moped seat, I felt just as home traveling the winding hills of Greece, as I did on my Trek bike in Central Park.
Robyn and Art however were more trepid riders. They preferred to go snail-pace slowly. The path we were on was highly winding – like the top of a soft serve ice cream cone – swirling round and round. The beach where we wanted to go was located where the bottom of the cone would be.
For a while I moved at the same slow and steady pace as my friends. Eventually I decided to speed ahead – just for a few minutes – to feel the wind muss up my hair. I was in the midst of my speed-ahead-jaunt, when suddenly the wind morphed from friendly and breezy into mean and mischievous. It brutally swept in, and began thrusting me to my right, where an incredibly steep cliff awaited.
I needed to make a split second decision:
(a) continue to head right and off that steep cliff
(b) try to turn the moped left and smoosh into a mountain side
I chose mountain side.
I tapped into all my upper arm strength and swerved the moped towards the mountain wall. Just as I was about to hit smack into the wall, I put all my might into swerving the moped again, this time, as far away from the mountain wall as I could muscle going.
It worked.
Sort of.
I didn’t hit the mountain wall, however, I did find my various arms and legs trapped beneath and within the moped.
My first immediate emotion was not pain. It was fear of embarrassment. I didn’t want my friends to see me entangled and disgraced.
I quickly stood up and began wiping off evidence of the loose gravel now clinging to my arms and legs. I breathed in deeply and breathed out even more deeply. I was hoping to calm myself fast. I wanted to appear cool and collected by the time my friends arrived.It didn’t work.
Not even sort of.
“Karen, what happened to you?” my friend Art asked the moment he saw me.
“You’re gushing blood,” my friend Robyn added. “Look at your arms! Look at your knees! There’s blood everywhere.”
“What are you talking about?” I asked in disbelief. “I’m okay. I’m okay. I’m okay.”
“You’re not okay,” insisted Art.
But I truly did not see or feel my injuries.
“Yes I am okay,” I insisted. “I’m okay. I’m okay. I’m okay.”
Robyn came over, held up my right arm for me to examine more carefully. “Karen, this elbow in particular is bleeding a lot. See?”
It took a while, but eventually I could clearly see my bloody injuries. As soon as I did, I began feeling them too. Incredible pain. I became dizzy. I could barely talk.
Admittedly, I preferred to have never seen or felt the truth of my wounds. So much so, I still kept insisting to my friends I was okay, although I was now throbbing all over with pain. I refused to see a doctor, and stoically got back on that cursed moped (yikes!) and continued to the beach where I proceeded to drink lots of Ouzo! At the time, I was highly proud of my inner strength.
Thankfully since this Mykonos Episode, I haven’t experienced other near death experiences at least in the physical sense.
However, I have had a few “emotional-near-death-experiences” where I felt like my life had come to an end.
During these tough times, I wanted to be strong, which is good.
However I wanted to feel strong immediately, which is problematic.
“How are you doing?” friends would ask during big time break ups, post-sexual-assault, the death of my father, the shock of business betrayals and other challenging events.
“I’m okay!” I’d answer. “I’m okay, I’m okay, I’m okay.”
Just like on that mountain in Mykonos, I’d plead okay-ness. For some reason, I felt that it was not okay to be not okay.
I didn’t want my friends to see my spirit entangled within the wheels of life’s challenges. I didn’t want my friends to potentially judge my foolishness in having crashed my heart into that giant wall of shame called “What Were You Thinking?”Some of this was due to the belief that as a self help author I should be held to a higher standard of pain avoidance and pain threshold. Although truth be told, I’ve always felt more comfy as helper than helpee. All my life my immediate response to emotional pain has been to make jokes. Lots of jokes. Plus I’d eat chocolate. Far too much chocolate. One of my go-to jokes was saying how I believed “chocolate” was one of the five stages of grief.
I’d joke so much about my gut-wrenching pain that I came up with a word for this: “enterpaining.” Ohhhh how I loved to “enterpain” people!
I even made dark-humored jokes after my sexual assault, quipping how I was extra surprised by the event because didn’t think I was wearing such an attractive outfit that day! Plus, my bellows humor came into big time play after a devastating break up. “It seems my fiance went from jackpot to jack*ss,” was a favorite joke at the time.I’d do whatever I could to put my tragedy into a quick spin-cycle of humor and try to re-tell it all as a comedic story, laughing my canned, highly hollow laugh-track of one.
I thought I was covering up my pain in a nice pretty party-friendly dress of “enterpainment,” but alas, this cover-up seemed to be slightly see-through.
“Are you okay?” friends would continue to ask, holding my gaze, searching for tear precipitation ahead.
“I’m okay,” I’d insist. “I’m okay, I’m okay, I’m okay, I’m okay – OKAY?!”
But I was far from okay.
Sometimes when I was alone I could feel a surge of uncontrollable tears about to surface. I’d run to the kitchen, gobble down some chocolate, then set my oven alarm to go off in five minutes. I’d return to the living room, throw myself onto my sofa and cry, cry, cry, cry, cry until that oven alarm went off five minutes later. I’d then command my tears to stop. True story! I was even afraid to reveal my vulnerability alone to myself!
I was anorexic in my approach to indulging in tears, miserly in my vulnerability allowance. I thought I was healing faster, smarter, better.
Unfortunately my personally plotted pain avoidance tools of humor, chocolate and oven timers were not much faster, smarter or better than those more famous strategies of alcohol, drugs, shopping, sex, gambling, sleeping pills, overly-busying yourself with work, etc.All of these techniques share in common the same mission: A hope that denial will remove our pain. But meanwhile it simply delays our healing process because we’re not tending to our emotional wounds with the appropriate salves of awareness, compassion and honest connections with others.
Share honest connection with others? That last one was a real doozy to do.
I feared vulnerability more than my actual emotional pain itself!
I worried if I showed people this slightly-damaged Karen they’d demand an immediate exchange, request to swap this Imperfect Me in for The Original-Flavored Karen they’d ordered, the strong, “enterpaining,” light and bouncy Karen.
But then one day I was working out at the gym and I was unable to do a variety of free weight maneuvers due to old injuries to my elbow from my Mykonos moped collision. I could feel and even hear an uncomfortable clicking sound. Soon after my elbow began to bug me regularly – getting dressed, doing yoga, carrying anything heavy.
I thought back to the accident and how I’d stoically refused to confess my pain and see a doctor. It was now obvious. Because I never faced the truth of my wounds I didn’t wisely take the time to re-set what was apparently a fractured elbow, thereby some bones had permanently settled into misalignment.
In that moment I experienced a Large Aha! I realized how pleading “okayness” was not only detrimental to my physical healing, but my emotional healing!
By insisting “okayness” during personal challenges (break ups, my sexual assault, my father’s passing, that shocking business betrayal etc…) I was not tending properly to the healing of my inner self.I started to do some research on resiliency psychology. The info I discovered not only personally helped me, the tools inspired both the Bounce Back Book and Prince Harming Syndrome. One consistent finding:
There’s a kind of magic which happens when you speak your truth about pain. @Notsalmon
(Click to Tweet!)
A science-based magic, actually!Recent research by Matthew Lieberman at UCLA shows that simply being able to name a distressing emotion out loud halves your “amygdala activation”otherwise known as your “emotionality.” So, by simply sharing how you feel you can calm yourself by 50%.
Plus, many research studies support how when you begin talking about your emotions, you leave the “fight and flight” animal instinct part of your brain and begin to tap into your neocortex where rational thinking and helpful insights can be found. I call this “adding insight to injury” and it’s a powerful healing agent.
Insight enables you make sure you don’t allow negative beliefs to get permanently set in your thinking, just the same way you wouldn’t want fractured bones to be permanently set into place.
It’s so essential to happiness to speak your truth out loud because this sharing of your core pain is what creates a necessary healing shift, from negative beliefs about the world to positive beliefs, and frees you up to be able to fully view life with meaning, purpose and connection with others. Emile Zola said it well when he said: “If you ask me what I came into this life to do, I will tell you: I came to live out loud.”
My son Ari is now 4 years old. When he’s upset about something he likes to kick and punch whoever is nearest to him – which is often me. I tell him: “Don’t kick me – say how you feel! Use your words! Use your words!”
As soon my son begins to express how he feels, the kicks and punches stop. His body becomes less tense, his breathing less rapid. I suppose brain scientists would say it’s because my son is leaving his “fight or flight” brain zone (which is what inspired those kicks and punches in the first place), and tapping into his neocortex, allowing him to formulate his mayhem thoughts into relatable feelings and sentences.
Whatever the scientific reason for my son’s shift from chaotic to calm, I’ve witnessed the magic which happens when my my son takes the time to share his truth out loud.
Here’s another interesting research study on the power of speaking your truth from Dr. Dina Carbonell of Simmons College. Dr. Carbonell tracked 400 people from ages five to thirty for twenty-five years seeking the main characteristics of those who did best in difficult circumstances.
Her most important finding?
“Resilient people identify those who are available, trustworthy and helpful. Then they go toward this light.”
I know for many years I didn’t feel safe going towards this light – fearing it would burn me. I hid behind the mask of “okay-ness” blocking this nourishing light from coming in.
Truth be told – I wasn’t sure who to trust with knowing my big secret: I am not perfect!
Yes, for many years I felt I needed to hide my flaws and vulnerabilities, fearful people would like me less if I didn’t keep presenting myself as more!One day I made a list of my friends then got quiet. I asked myself: Who is 100% rooting for me to live my happiest life not competing or jealous? Who do I always feel happier after visiting not more stressed or depressed? I recognized these were my “Safe People.” I began revealing the truth of my pain, slowly at first, with those on the “The Safe List.”
Some people I soon discovered weren’t as safe as I thought. I could feel their discomfort around my imperfect self. However, with other friends I wound up developing far stronger relationships! Indeed, one of the indirectly good things about bad times: It can bring you closer to people, because sharing intimate conversation bonds you in a far deeper, more meaningful way than mere shoe shopping will ever do.
The people to truly treasure in life are those who have seen you at your worst and still think you are the best. The folks who are happy for your happiness, and sad for your sadness, and make it crystal clear they are there for you no matter what.
I’ve also happily discovered that when your friendship circle decreases in number it’s actually increasing in value!
In my research for Bounce Back Book, I wrote about the five real stages of grief, which Elizabeth Kübler-Ross famously outlined. Although Elizabeth does not include chocolate, she does call the first stage “Denial and Isolation” which indirectly refers to pigging out!Here’s the full 5 Stages Of Grief:
STAGE #1: DENIAL AND ISOLATION - “This is not happening to me.”STAGE #2: ANGER - “How dare this happen to me.”
STAGE #3: BARGAINING - “Just let me get X and I won’t care about Y,” or “If this doesn’t happen, I promise to . . .”
STAGE #4: DEPRESSION - “I can’t bear to face going through this.”
STAGE #5: ACCEPTANCE - “I’m ready; I don’t want to struggle anymore.”
When I look with new eyes at these five stages I can clearly see how pleading okay-ness showed a complete disregard for accepting the full five stages of the healing process. I wanted to zoom from stage one to stage five in an instant. However just as pregnancy is a process which cannot be rushed, the same goes for the process of recovery from pain, both the physical and emotional kinds. You must fearlessly face up to the truth of your wounds to heal fully. You must give time time and be patient and gentle with yourself.
It’s interesting this word “fearless.” It’s composed of “fear” and “less. But when you are “fearless” it doesn’t mean you experience less fear. Indeed courageous people feel just as much fear. It’s just that they choose to keep moving through their fear. In a way this word “fearless” should be renamed “fearthrough.”
If you’re dealing with a personal challenge right now, and tempted to stay in denial and isolation, my hope for you is that you move through your pain! Please allow yourself to be “fearthrough” and face up to the truth of your core pain, not only while alone with yourself, but in the company of Safe Friends.
As I repeatedly remind my son – and now myself: “Say how you feel! Use your words! Use your words!”